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    Parliamentary defense reveals US pressure on Abdul-Mahdi not to disclose its combat forces

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Parliamentary defense reveals US pressure on Abdul-Mahdi not to disclose its combat forces Empty Parliamentary defense reveals US pressure on Abdul-Mahdi not to disclose its combat forces

    Post by Rocky Sun 20 Jan 2019, 2:14 pm

    Parliamentary defense reveals US pressure on Abdul-Mahdi not to disclose its combat forces

    18:19 - 20/01/2019

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    Information / special ... 
    Revealed the Committee on Security and Defense parliamentary, Sunday, the exercise of America's pressure on Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi for not disclosing the size of US combat troops in the country. 
    "The visit of US Secretary of State Pompeo to Baghdad carried multiple letters of threat to Abdul Mahdi, not to remove US forces from the country," said a member of the Committee Karim Alawi said, "The US side is pressing the Iraqi government through sanctions against Iran And force Iraq to commit to the purpose of non-disclosure of the presence of combat in the country, as well as the threat of the resolution of 67 factions of the popular mobilization. 
    He added that "the American side is taking advantage of not completing the cabinet cabin and the weakness of the government to implement his plans aimed at keeping the combat forces in the country," noting that "the Trump administration exerted great pressure on Abdul-Mahdi not to disclose the combat presence of US forces."
    The coalition of construction, last week, that the visit of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to Baghdad tried to curtail the arming of the popular crowd and the Islamic resistance groups and to put restrictions on them and resolved, while he would stand against the Iraqi government's compliance with the request of US President Trump to dissolve the popular crowd or undermine the reputation of the resistance factions. 
    The Iraqi Council of Representatives is determined to host the Prime Minister Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Adel Abdul Mahdi, to explain the causes of US and Turkish movements in the country, as well as the draft law to remove foreign troops to vote. End 25 T

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