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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Baghdad and Moscow agree to remove obstacles to trade exchange between them

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277299
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Baghdad and Moscow agree to remove obstacles to trade exchange between them Empty Baghdad and Moscow agree to remove obstacles to trade exchange between them

    Post by Rocky Fri 26 Apr 2019, 1:22 am

    Baghdad and Moscow agree to remove obstacles to trade exchange between them

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    Information / Baghdad ..
    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Thursday the signing of a number of agreements including the removal of obstacles to trade between the two countries.
    "Foreign Minister Mohammed Ali al-Hakim signed with Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Barisov, head of the Russian side, on the joint record of the meetings of the eighth session of the joint Iraqi-Russian committee," the Foreign Ministry said in a statement received by the Foreign Ministry.
    They also agreed to take all measures to remove obstacles, obstacles to trade and investment exchange between the two countries, as well as to identify the mechanisms by which cooperation will be activated. the couple".
    "The meeting resulted in the signing of a number of agreements and memoranda of understanding in various fields, including trade, financial and banking, energy, electricity, mineral wealth, industry, telecommunications, information technology, transport, agriculture, reconstruction, housing, health, Tourism, education and cooperation in other areas "

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