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    Saadi: Al-Maliki seeks to restore good to stay in power

    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3118
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    Saadi: Al-Maliki seeks to restore good to stay in power Empty Saadi: Al-Maliki seeks to restore good to stay in power

    Post by Hkp1 Mon 18 Feb 2013, 7:48 pm

    Saadi: Al-Maliki seeks to restore good to stay in power

    Monday, 18 February 2013 18: 19 Ambassador news

    {Baghdad Ambassador: News}

    MP Abdullah Al morning Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki appointed Board
    member of seven of the accountability and Justice Commission Julia to
    the chairmanship of the Commission rather than its former Falah Hassan
    shanshal said official beknab of the General Secretariat of the Council
    of Ministers which ended the body mentioned in 14 this month, confirmed
    that Al-Maliki seeks to restore good to stay in power.

    said at a press conference held today in Baghdad, that is under a clear
    legal and constitutional legitimacy and try to recreate elements of the
    toppled Baath party and its henchmen represented by Medhat Al-Mahmoud.

    Minister Saadi was threatened not to allow him and others to
    confrontational mission, stating that Al-Maliki seeks to restore good to
    stay in power.

    Saadi said that the General Secretariat of the
    Council of Ministers has published a book/s 2/number 5/27 in 14 this
    month and the signature of the Secretary-General of the Council of
    Ministers Agency/Ali Mohsen Ismail, which stipulates that the Prime
    Minister in that spotter Supreme National Authority accountability and
    justice garages only by implementing items/IV and VI/2, article//law No.
    10/2008 and take its decisions in accordance with article 6 of its only
    legal perspective is completed because of deputies elected

    The Chairman, his Deputy and the formal
    element//administrative decision landed him to the level of invalidity
    but also to the level of insecurity and eliminates impacts and centres
    established by retroactively restored the situation to earlier before
    its release on the basis that all decisions taken by the Commission in
    application of article 6 is null and no consequences.

    attorney Michael wondered what right decisions is not the Prime issue of
    jurisdiction and the jurisdiction of the administrative courts, adding
    that Al-Maliki's decision to void that even includes candidates for
    upcoming provincial elections.

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