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    After the rejection of the reference .. Maliki Beskor Iran seeks help to stay in power

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    After the rejection of the reference .. Maliki Beskor Iran seeks help to stay in power Empty After the rejection of the reference .. Maliki Beskor Iran seeks help to stay in power

    Post by Rocky Sun 20 Jul 2014, 5:29 am

    After the rejection of the reference .. Maliki Beskor Iran seeks help to stay in power

    July 19, 2014

    BAGHDAD - ((eighth day)

    Sources close to Iraqi Prime Minister outgoing that he seeks to win over the hard-liners in Iran to support his candidacy for a third session in light of multiple signals from the Government of Hassan Rohani, she was no longer betting on Nouri al-Maliki and they are looking for a successor of the National Alliance.

    The sources revealed the press that I have seen ((eighth day)) that "al-Maliki was betting primarily on the supreme authority led by cleric Ali al-Sistani to enforce the decision of his candidacy on his opponents from within the religious parties, but the ambiguity of the statements made by representatives of reference make it focuses on the hawks in Iran .

    Nouri al-Maliki met with Secretary General of the Iranian National Security Council Ali Shamkhani and agreed on "the need to coordinate between the two countries to meet the challenges of the region," according to a statement from the Iraqi prime minister.

    The sources pointed out that the former Prime Minister of the outgoing keen to repeat his meetings with Gen. Ghasemi Soleimani, head of the Revolutionary Guards Corps Jerusalem, which persists to visit Baghdad since the start of an attack organization "Daash" and control of important cities in Iraq.

    Activists and joking social networking sites saying that Soleimani is the de facto Prime Minister al-Maliki in Iraq, and that's just his adviser.

    Observers said that Tehran had accepted a proposal from the U.S. propped regional countries to search for a personal and a national failure Maliki is working to attract various parties involved in the political process.

    Observers ruled that al-Maliki's efforts to bear fruit in the appeal to hawks in Iran as a result of a private remember that symbols of religious parties affiliated to Tehran routinely making statements rejecting to continue as prime minister.

    The deputies have said that al-Maliki will be out of competition for the presidency of the new government, stressing that "Iraq's interests require non-renewal and replaced him"

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