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    The parliamentary white invites parliamentarians to stand to pass budget today

    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3118
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    The parliamentary white invites parliamentarians to stand to pass budget today Empty The parliamentary white invites parliamentarians to stand to pass budget today

    Post by Hkp1 Mon 25 Feb 2013, 2:15 am

    The parliamentary white invites parliamentarians to stand to pass budget today

    Ali Abdullah -25/02/2013-10: 06 am

    Secretary-General called for the block of white, melon beauty, House
    members to unite to pass a federal budget for the current year at
    today's meeting.

    He said each agency in Iraq "which we hope will
    be a crucial day Parliament session to approve the federal budget for
    the current year, so all the members of the House of representatives to
    stand together against the pass.

    Melon added that "the question
    of the adoption of the budget must not be reflected by the intersections
    in Parliament, thus leading to delay approval."

    And the House is expected to vote Monday on its routine Bill the General State budget for 2013.

    Parliamentary change block revealed details of the agreement to resolve
    differences over the draft law on the General State budget for 2013.

    Aramco said that "an agreement has been reached on the budget law and
    end the disputes around the payment of foreign oil companies operating
    in Kurdistan from General State Treasury remittances and payments
    demanded by the Iraqi list to add balancing regional development,
    through the akotttaa part of the ministries and governorates hahas.

    He added that "there are positive signs to pass the budget in the Parliament session and vote on them."

    pointed out that "the agreement was reached during the meeting held in
    the House of representatives, chaired by second Deputy Parliament
    Speaker Aref Tayfour, and Haider Al-Abbadi, Chairman of the Finance
    Committee, and Minister of planning and finance agency El shukrijumah,
    and oil Minister Abdul Kareem luaibi, head of the Office of financial
    supervision Abdel Basset Turki.

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      Current date/time is Sun 16 Jun 2024, 2:33 am