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    Al-Sudani: We still have a long way to go to cut off all sedition, extremism and hatred in Iraq

    Admin Assist
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    Al-Sudani: We still have a long way to go to cut off all sedition, extremism and hatred in Iraq Empty Al-Sudani: We still have a long way to go to cut off all sedition, extremism and hatred in Iraq

    Post by Rocky Sun 11 Dec 2022, 5:36 am

    Al-Sudani: We still have a long way to go to cut off all sedition, extremism and hatred in Iraq

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    2022-12-10 05:39

    Shafaq News/ The Prime Minister, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Muhammad Shia' al-Sudani considered, on Saturday, that Iraq still has a long work ahead of it "to cut off all strife and the grave of extremism's dreams and rhetoric." The hatred
    Al-Sudani's speech came during a speech on the sidelines of his attendance at the celebration held by the Joint Operations Command on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the declaration of victory over ISIS in the country.

    Al-Sudani said in the speech, "Our armed forces achieved this victory in all its forms, from the army, the popular and tribal crowd, the counter-terrorism apparatus, the federal police, the rapid response in the Ministry of Interior, the Peshmerga forces, and other intelligence agencies and support forces."
    He added, "In that epic, the words of the supreme authority in Najaf were the light behind which the Iraqis walked. The fatwa of the competent jihad was the starting point for the liberation of cities and districts, one after the other."
    Al-Sudani also mentioned, "Today we are proud of those who were on the battlefield, holding a weapon in their hands and extending others to save their family and people. We are also proud of those who left us and rose as a martyr from the leaders of victory and the great victory, commanders, commanders, officers, ranks and associates. There is no victory except by mentioning the martyrs of Iraq and the wounded of our armed forces."
    And he went on to say, "We also remember the steadfastness of the displaced, and the sufferings of the forcibly displaced from their homes and the birthplaces of their fathers and grandfathers, their homeland that they were known for, and that they knew for thousands of years."
    Al-Sudani added, "There is no victory except for the women of Iraq, and by recalling their honorable role in the liberation operations and supporting our fighting forces, I salute the women of Iraq, and the happy martyrs among them, on the anniversary of the great victory."
    He noted that "it is right for us to remember the martyrs of the victimized victim, our youth in the Camp Speicher massacre, the defenseless, the innocent, the victims of hatred and cowardly murder. Just as we remember the heinous crime of the genocide of the Iraqi Yazidis, the survivors of the Iraqi Turkmen women and the Shabak, as we remember the sufferings of our people in the liberated areas, who They suffered what they suffered."
    The Prime Minister continued by saying that "our national principles and faith rejecting terrorism and extremism made its demise inevitable and a consequence, so that Iraq would return to its thriving diversity, and for the Iraqi society to enjoy its people and its cultural richness."
    He pointed out that "we still have a long work ahead of us to cut off all strife, and to bury the dreams of extremism and hate speech, and also a lot of work awaits us in reform, development and achieving a decent life."
    Al-Sudani concluded his speech by saying, "The Iraqis who defeated terrorism are able to defeat corruption, which has become the number one enemy of the state and its entity."
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