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    Iranian official: Our debt to Iraq is 18 billion dollars, and America allowed Baghdad to pay 500 mil

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    Iranian official: Our debt to Iraq is 18 billion dollars, and America allowed Baghdad to pay 500 mil Empty Iranian official: Our debt to Iraq is 18 billion dollars, and America allowed Baghdad to pay 500 mil

    Post by Rocky Fri 10 Mar 2023, 6:02 am

    Iranian official: Our debt to Iraq is 18 billion dollars, and America allowed Baghdad to pay 500 million
    • Time: 03/10/2023 09:17:38
    • Read: 1,911 times

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    {Economic: Al Furat News} The Secretary General of the Joint Iraqi-Iranian Chamber of Commerce said that the United States allowed the payment of 500 million dollars of Iranian funds in Iraqi banks.
    Hamid Hosseini said, in an interview with the Iranian Tasnim Agency, regarding Iran's frozen funds in Iraq, that Iraq deposits Iranian electricity and gas funds in a bank account under the name of the National Gas Company, but this does not mean that Iran has access to these funds.
    He added: Iran's money is in a bank under the supervision of the United States, and only non-sanctioned goods are allowed to be imported, so that last year in March, goods worth a billion dollars were imported to Iran through this route, and Iran's debts to Turkmenistan were It is also paid out of these dues.
    The Secretary-General of the Joint Iranian-Iraqi Chamber of Commerce said: During the recent visit of the Iraqi Foreign Minister, permission was given to pay 500 million dollars of Iranian funds in Iraqi banks.
    He explained: The Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced to the United States that we owe Iran about 18 billion dollars, despite the announcement of the head of the Central Bank of Iran for a lower number, and the figure of 10 billion dollars was announced in the past.
    Regarding the reasons for the difference in the available statistics on the size of Iraq's debts to Iran, Hosseini said: Iraq's announcement of this amount of debts to Iran is due to the new electricity and gas funds that have been added.
    He said: One way to release our money in Iraq faster is to invest in the country itself, which also leads to production, or coordination with Iraqi businessmen for imports.
    Hosseini said: 4,000 megawatts of Iraq's electricity is provided annually through Iranian energy, and this country cannot be left alone in this situation, "Of course, this does not mean giving up our money."
    He said: Iraq's daily oil income ranges between 250 and 300 million dollars, and according to the United Nations resolution, these funds are imported first to the American bank, and the Iraqi Central Bank is ordered to transfer these funds to Iraqi banks. Part of this income is also handed over in the form of banknotes.
    He added: This is why the United States monitors the foreign exchange market of this country, but it should be noted that not all banking activities in Iraq are carried out through banks, and it is not possible to actually close the path of foreign currencies entering Iran.
    Hosseini explained that the American intervention in the Iraqi currency market is actually a problem for the Iraqi businessman, which increases the cost of dealing with Iran by 10%.
    He said: With the new measures of the United States, no obstacle has been placed to prevent foreign currency from entering Iran, because we have the strength of competition in exporting to this country, which has made the transportation cost cheaper, and we can continue to export our products at a lower price.
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