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    An Iraqi-Jordanian agreement on combating money and drug laundering

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    An Iraqi-Jordanian agreement on combating money and drug laundering Empty An Iraqi-Jordanian agreement on combating money and drug laundering

    Post by Rocky Wed 23 Aug 2023, 4:19 am

    An Iraqi-Jordanian agreement on combating money and drug laundering
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]


    Baghdad today - Baghdad 
    Today, Wednesday (August 23, 2023), Iraq and Jordan signed a joint memorandum of understanding related to security issues in the two countries, most notably enhancing border security.
    This comes in the wake of a visit by a high-ranking Iraqi security delegation, headed by Interior Minister Abdul Amir Al-Shammari, today, Wednesday, to Jordan.
    And the Iraqi Ministry of Interior announced, in a statement received by "Baghdad Today", that Al-Shammari arrived in the Jordanian capital, Amman, at the head of a security delegation, at the official invitation of his Jordanian counterpart, accompanied by the commander of the border forces, the director of drug control, and the director of civil status.
    The ministry stated that the visit aims to sign a memorandum of understanding and discuss enhancing joint border security, cooperation in combating narcotics and psychotropic substances, as well as security issues of common concern.
    And the official Jordanian media said, "The Minister of Interior, Mazen Al-Faraya, signed with his Iraqi counterpart, Abdul Amir Al-Shammari, an agreement to enhance cooperation between the two countries to face challenges."
    In addition to "intensifying cooperation in combating crimes, especially money laundering, drugs and terrorism, and intensifying intelligence work to reduce these crimes."
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      Current date/time is Sun 23 Jun 2024, 1:23 pm