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    Parliament on trade with Iran: Prices are low and the Iraqi market is not monopolized by any state

    Admin Assist
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    Parliament on trade with Iran: Prices are low and the Iraqi market is not monopolized by any state Empty Parliament on trade with Iran: Prices are low and the Iraqi market is not monopolized by any state

    Post by Rocky Sat 04 Nov 2023, 7:04 am

    Parliament on trade with Iran: Prices are low and the Iraqi market is not monopolized by any state
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today
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    Baghdad today - Baghdad 
    Today, Saturday (November 4, 2023), the Parliamentary Committee on Economy, Industry and Trade commented on Iraq’s import of materials from Iran without other neighboring countries, while indicating that the Iraqi market is not monopolized by any country.
    Committee member Ali Al-Maksusi told “Baghdad Today” that “there is no political reason for the issue of Iraq importing various foodstuffs from Iran and other materials, and Iraq imports various goods from neighboring countries and the entire world, and the Iraqi market contains goods from various countries of the region and this market "It is not limited to any country."
    Al-Maksousi stated, “There is an effort to buy Iranian goods, whether food or even other electrical appliances and building materials, because of their prices, which are considered low compared to other imported materials, and the economic situation of many citizens pushes them towards Iranian goods because of their low price, and there is nothing else other than that.” Import operations continue from other neighboring countries such as Turkey, Jordan, Syria, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and all countries of the world.”
    Iraq occupies an important position in Iranian foreign trade in light of the harsh sanctions facing Iran, as Baghdad constitutes an economic outlet to support the Iranian economy. The Iranian-Iraqi trade balance also tilts in favor of Tehran, as Iraqi exports to Iran are negligible and reached $264 million over the past year.
    Iran usually obtains its released funds through the barter system, where it buys goods abroad and pays for them with that money, according to a mechanism agreed upon by the countries that freeze Iranian funds with the United States and Iran.
    On Wednesday (October 25, 2023), the spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce in the Kurdistan Regional Government, Fathi Al-Mudarres, revealed the volume of trade exchange with Iran.
    Al-Mudarris said in an interview with “Baghdad Today” that “the volume of trade exchange between Iraq and Iran amounts to more than 8 billion dollars annually through all border crossings between the two countries.”
    He added: As for the volume of trade exchange between the region and Iran, it will amount to only $4 billion in 2022, and this activity will increase during the current year 2023 at a higher rate than last year.
    The Iranian authorities announced earlier last month that the volume of foreign trade with Iraq in the first half of this year amounted to about 2.5 billion dollars, while economic experts criticized this excessive openness towards imports with deliberate neglect of the agricultural, industrial and local production sectors.
    The Director General of Customs at the Parviz Khan border crossing in the Iranian province of Kermanshah, Qassem Mutalabi, said, “In the first six months of this year, exports of goods from the Parviz Khan border increased by 36% in terms of weight and 18% in value compared to the same period of the previous year.” ".
    Iraq occupies the forefront of countries importing goods from Iran. Iranian press reports revealed that the main export destinations for Iranian non-oil goods annually are represented by Iraq with 8.9 billion dollars, then Turkey with 6.1 billion dollars, then the UAE with 4.9 billion dollars, and these countries are followed by Afghanistan, Pakistan and Oman. .
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