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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Those who do not carry cash may be embarrassed by “malfunctions”.. How will Oil Oil overcome the obs

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    Those who do not carry cash may be embarrassed by “malfunctions”.. How will Oil Oil overcome the obs Empty Those who do not carry cash may be embarrassed by “malfunctions”.. How will Oil Oil overcome the obs

    Post by Rocky Sun 03 Dec 2023, 12:19 pm

    Those who do not carry cash may be embarrassed by “malfunctions”.. How will Oil Oil overcome the obstacles of electronic payment at the stations
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    Baghdad today - Baghdad
    With the approaching date of “canceling cash payment” at gas stations, in a “mandatory” step towards the use of electronic payment cards, many vehicle owners and users of electronic payment cards have begun to identify a number of problems and obstacles in the electronic payment process at gas stations.
    A number of vehicle owners recorded “failed” attempts to pay via the electronic card before they returned to the zero point, to pay in cash, in a process that undermines the possibility of citizens’ reassurance and abandoning carrying cash in their pockets and betting on cards only, which is the goal that the Iraqi government and its institutions seek. If the card or device malfunctions, or the devices are misused by the owners of shops, stations, or “buzzars,” the shopping citizen will be in an embarrassing situation if he does not carry money in cash to pay instead of the modern electronic method in the event of its failure.
    While the cash payment process is still available alongside electronic payment, which means that the matter can be remedied if the electronic payment attempt fails, everyone is concerned about the date when cash payment will be completely banned and limited to electronic payment at gas stations, which it is hoped will be implemented at the beginning of the year. Next.
    Among the problems raised by a number of electronic payment users at the stations and who spoke to “Baghdad Today” is that there is a delay during the electronic payment process, and after a waiting period exceeding 10 minutes, some faced the device rejecting their electronic card without knowing the reasons, which prompted them to return to cash payment. .
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    Others faced the lack of experience in using the payment device provided by Al-Buzarji at gas stations, in addition to the card’s code being written incorrectly by Al-Buzarji in a “deliberate” manner so that the citizen could pay in cash to obtain his additional interest on top of the amount, or that he By disconnecting devices from the Internet, or if the Internet does not exist at all or faces technical problems.
    Regarding these problems and obstacles, Hussein Talib, Director General of the Petroleum Products Distribution Company, reassured, in an interview with “Baghdad Today,” that “the complete cessation of cash dealing at gas stations will not happen at the beginning of next year, but rather it will happen in the first quarter of 2024.” “The process will take place gradually, one by one, at stations.”
    Talib stated, “There are kiosks that will be opened in most gas stations in order to issue an electronic payment card, in order to facilitate this matter for many citizens, and payment via the card will not deduct any additional amount other than the amount that appears on the payment screen, without any Other wages.
    The Director General of the Petroleum Products Distribution Company added, “Payment devices will be available at every pump so that there will be no delay in the issue of paying wages, and the process will be easy and fast and will not cause any rush. On the contrary, it will speed up the payment process, but rather cash payment, which takes time to complete.” Count the money."

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