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    Revealing the details of Al-Halbousi’s secret visit to Jordan via Erbil

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Revealing the details of Al-Halbousi’s secret visit to Jordan via Erbil Empty Revealing the details of Al-Halbousi’s secret visit to Jordan via Erbil

    Post by Rocky Wed 06 Dec 2023, 5:07 am

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    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    [size=52]Revealing the details of Al-Halbousi’s secret visit to Jordan via Erbil[/size]
    • Today 10:10

    Information / Anbar..
    One of the sheikhs of the Anbar tribes, Ahmed Al-Dulaimi, confirmed on Wednesday that the expelled Speaker of Parliament, Muhammad Al-Halbousi, secretly visited Jordan through the Erbil Governorate Airport.
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    Al-Dulaimi said in a statement to the Maalouma Agency, “Al-Halbousi traveled by air to Jordan via Erbil Airport and then returned to Mosul Governorate, despite the presence of orders from the relevant authorities preventing him from traveling until the investigations into the charges against him are completed.”
    He added, "Al-Halbousi asked the Jordanian government to hold an expanded meeting of the sheikhs and notables of Anbar Governorate and some other governorates to discuss the latest developments on the political scene."
    He pointed out that "the Kurdistan Regional Government facilitated the task of Al-Halbousi's travel to Jordan until his return to Iraq via the Erbil Governorate Airport and arriving at the Mosul Governorate."
    He pointed out, "Erbil Airport does not adhere to the instructions issued by the central government regarding the issuance of orders preventing the travel of senior officials involved in corruption files." Ended / 12a
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