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    Today .. Abadi in cemented ties to Iran militarily and politically

    day dreamer
    day dreamer
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    Today .. Abadi in cemented ties to Iran militarily and politically  Empty Today .. Abadi in cemented ties to Iran militarily and politically

    Post by day dreamer Sun 19 Oct 2014, 6:37 pm

    Today .. Abadi in cemented ties to Iran militarily and politically      

    10/20/2014 0:00

    Among parliamentary expects positive results {}
    Baghdad morning
      Promised parliamentary circles, official visit by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to Iran, as "an important step on the road to devote the bilateral relations between the two neighboring countries," while stressed the need to uphold the common positions between Baghdad and Tehran in all areas, specifically relating to the security aspect.
    MP from the bloc Badr, Abdul Hussein Zergawi, explained that the aim of the visit of Dr. Abadi to its neighbor Iran, is "cemented bilateral relations, and strengthened in accordance with the mechanics of joint cooperation and to enhance the diplomatic track with Pacific Regional Iraq," revealing other visits are likely to be paid by Prime Minister to Turkey and Arab countries, the aim of opening up to the countries in the region and strengthen relations with it in all areas.
    Zergawi revealed in a statement the "morning" mentioned that the visit "will be charged with it a lot of important files, including those related to the security aspect; especially that Tehran is one of the most prominent countries in the region and the world that support our country in the war on terror."
    Among the issues to be considered by the Prime Minister in Tehran, "how to help Baghdad in the elimination of terrorism, as well as access to potential military and logistical means that will help our military in security functions," according to Deputy Zergawi.
    He announced on Sunday, that Abadi will travel on Monday to the Islamic Republic at the head of a ministerial delegation high, and will discuss there the recent developments in Iraq and the region, especially the war file on the "Daash" He will also make Iraq's efforts to "unify the Arab and international efforts against this terrorist organization."
    He believed that the visit Zergawi Abadi, a first for the regional neighboring countries, which will be reflected positively on the security and political situations in the country, especially with the completion of the cabinet reshuffle after the vote on the defense and interior ministers yesterday first.
    He also predicted "success" of this visit, which Setsegriq one day for being "will shape future policies to maintain the security of the region", as he put it. At the same framework, the President of "the Turkmen Front," Arshad Salhi, "The Prime Minister's visit comes as part of the policy of opening up to the countries of the region geographical, as well as to strengthen relations with them in the light of what the world is witnessing the changes become problematic and affect international relations. "
    Salhi stressed "the importance of this visit to the consolidation of relations between Iraq and its neighbors", as he emphasized that "the new government wants to build the economic system of the country in accordance with the scientific basis and diplomacy that will raise the level of relations to a level that contributes to the service of Iraq and provided" And on the security and political developments witnessed by the world in general, and especially the Arab arena, said: "the international situation is witnessing unrest due to the military build-up in the pan countries in the region, especially after the terrorist attacks that occurred in Iraq and Syria."
    In what is being criticized Salhi of suspicious movements of terrorist groups on the common border in the regional arena, the detection of regional and international efforts to heal the rift between the countries in the region.
    In addition, through the National Alliance MP Mohammed Taqi al-Mawla, from boots to visit Abadi to Iran would "cut off a long way in solving many of the outstanding problems between the two countries inherited from the era dictatorial", stressing that the visit "will have a good effect on the level of the relationship between countries in the region. "
    He added, "This visit will witness the launch of the security file to the extensive discussion and exchange of views on Iran because the part of the system the face of terrorism."
    Sire went to what touched him Zergawi colleague, on a tour of prospective hoped to be paid by Abadi, a number of regional neighboring countries, in light of leaks suggest the possibility of receiving the Prime Minister for his Turkish counterpart in Baghdad soon.
       It should be noted, that the Prime Minister's Office announced yesterday in a press release would bring, among other files Abadi to visit the aforementioned. Among them discuss ways to strengthen bilateral relations in the fields of energy, housing and construction, and endeavors to be Iraq's relations with neighboring countries, especially the region and the international community in general, "distinct, based on mutual respect and common interests, and non-interference in internal affairs," in addition to "respect Iraq's sovereignty and territorial integrity. "

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