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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    To achieve economic stability, the International Monetary Fund directs 4 requests to the Iraqi gover

    Admin Assist
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    To achieve economic stability, the International Monetary Fund directs 4 requests to the Iraqi gover Empty To achieve economic stability, the International Monetary Fund directs 4 requests to the Iraqi gover

    Post by Rocky Sun 03 Mar 2024, 5:06 am

    To achieve economic stability, the International Monetary Fund directs 4 requests to the Iraqi government

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    Economy News - Baghdad
    The International Monetary Fund called on the Iraqi government to adjust public finances, increase the public sector wage bill, expand the tax base, and increase non-oil revenues to achieve economic stability.
    This came in a statement issued by the Fund, on Sunday, at the conclusion of Article Four consultations with Iraqi financial and economic officials, which took place in the Jordanian capital, Amman, during the period between 20-29 last February.
    The fund said: “To overcome oil price fluctuations, Iraq must achieve high economic growth to accommodate the growing workforce, enhance non-oil exports, expand the tax base and adjust the wage bill.”
    He considered that the government must "strive to enable the private sector to develop and grow, carry out labor market reforms, modernize the financial sector, restructure state-owned banks, reform the retirement and electricity sectors, and reduce corruption."
    Iraq is the second largest producer of crude oil in OPEC after Saudi Arabia, with an average daily production of 4.6 million barrels per day under normal conditions, and relies on crude export revenues to provide 90 percent of the state’s financial income.
    The Fund added: “Growth in the non-oil sector returned strongly during 2023... Growth in real non-oil GDP is estimated at 6 percent, and overall inflation declined from the high level of 7.5 percent in January 2023, to 4 percent by the end of the same year.” ".
    He continued: "The decline in inflation is due to the decline in food and energy prices at the international level, and the impact caused by the revaluation of the price of the Iraqi currency in February 2023."
    He estimated that the improvement in oil prices in 2022 and the first months of 2023 contributed to the rise in international reserves to 112 billion dollars, from an average of 88 billion at the end of 2021. He said: “If regional tensions escalate, an interruption in shipping routes or damage to "This may lead to losses in Iraqi oil production."
    Article Four of the Agreement Establishing the International Monetary Fund stipulates that bilateral discussions with member countries usually take place on an annual basis. A team of Fund experts visits the member country, collects the necessary economic and financial information, and holds discussions with official officials about economic developments and policies in that country...

    Views 86
    Added 03/03/2024 - 11:16 AM
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