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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliament decides to call the ministers of interior and defense to uncover the circumstances of the


    Posts : 5321
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Parliament decides to call the ministers of interior and defense to uncover the circumstances of the Empty Parliament decides to call the ministers of interior and defense to uncover the circumstances of the

    Post by wciappetta Sat 14 Feb 2015, 6:36 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Interior Minister Mohammed Salem Ghaban during festive holiday Al93 police, on Thursday (January 8, 2014).
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    Author: HH, SSJ 
    Editor: HH 14/2/2015 14:10 Number of Views: 123 

    Long-Presse / Baghdad 
    Decided Presidency of the Council of Representatives of Iraq, on Saturday, calling the interior ministers Mohammed Salem Ghaban and defense Khaled al-Obeidi to uncover the circumstances of the attack on the deputy in the coalition forces and the murder of his uncle, a clan elders Janabi Qasim Swidan.

     A parliamentary source said in an interview with the (long-Presse), "The Presidency of the Council of Representatives decided during the 12th session of the second legislative term of the first legislative year, which was held today, call the interior ministers Mohammed Salem Ghaban and defense Khaled al-Obeidi during its meeting to be held next Monday, to uncover the circumstances the attack on the MP for the coalition forces Zaid al-Tai and the death of his uncle, a clan elders Janabi Qasim Swidan. "

    The source, who asked not to be named, said: "Parliament will discuss with the ministers of security measures that will be taken to uncover the perpetrators." 

    The Iraqi Council of Representatives held on Saturday, the 12th of its second legislative term of the first legislative year, led by its President Salim al-Jubouri, and the presence of 253 deputies, while the decision of the meeting will report on the work of the Commission on Security and Defense, and the first reading of the six bills.

    The Presidency of the Council of Representatives of Iraq, decided Saturday to postpone the session of the 12th legislative term of the second legislative year, the first half hour of the lack of quorum.
    A parliamentary source revealed early on Saturday, the coalition forces and the national coalition led by Vice President Iyad Allawi categorically 12th Parliament session scheduled for today, in protest against the killing of a clan elders Janabi Qasim Swidan armed attack, on Friday.

    With parliamentary source revealed on Saturday, the political forces persuaded alliance forces to back down from the decision to boycott the 12th session of Parliament scheduled for today, and stressed that the coalition forces stipulated read a statement denouncing the killing of a clan elders Janabi uncle of one of the deputies Qasim Swidan during the session.

    A source in the Iraqi Interior Ministry confirmed on Saturday that a clan elders Janabi Swidan Qasim and his son and nine of his bodyguards were killed by unidentified armed attack targeted a convoy on the road to the canal, east of the capital Baghdad.
    It is noteworthy that the security situation in the capital, Baghdad, have been tense since the middle of last year, 2013, as the United Nations Mission in Iraq said, on the first of February 2015, the month of January last, saw the death and injury of 3615 operations Iraqi violence witnessed different parts of the country.

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    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3484
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    Parliament decides to call the ministers of interior and defense to uncover the circumstances of the Empty Re: Parliament decides to call the ministers of interior and defense to uncover the circumstances of the

    Post by Screwball Sat 14 Feb 2015, 4:15 pm

    Security and defense bills! In no hurry to discusss and vote on the economic ones!

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