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    Today's vote on the National Guard Law


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    Today's vote on the National Guard Law   Empty Today's vote on the National Guard Law

    Post by wciappetta Thu 27 Aug 2015, 6:25 am

    Today's vote on the National Guard Law  

    Thu Aug 27 2015 04:40 | (Voice of Iraq) - Baghdad - Shaima Rashid
    It is expected to be today, voting inside the Dome of the House of Representatives on the National Guard and legal parties, particularly following the agreement on the Tmrerhma by the relevant committees.

     According to the decision of Parliament, Niazi architecture Ihsanoglu, that an agreement was about to pass a number of important laws in the House of Representatives this day, especially the law of parties, adding that the Council will be presented today also, the National Guard Law, which is expected to vote on it despite the presence of two points Khlavian it.

     Ihsanoglu said the "morning": that the security and defense committee ended its final deliberation to find out the final version of the Law of the National Guard who has read it for the first time and the second earlier, and today will be introduced for a vote, indicating the presence of two points Khlavian by some of the blocks on the law, relating to article The first, which states that "the National Guard troops, security forces made ​​up of people of the province are not organized province" where the opinion the other opposition say the security forces made ​​up of the sons of the Iraqi people, pointing out that the controversial second point concerning Article VII, second paragraph, and related on " the requirement set by the law and the judge to be an Iraqi National Guard commander and a graduate or Staff College Military College at the team at least "while Negotiable that paragraph, opinion shows, called to be the commander of the National Guard private degree, that is to say be political, not military.

     He said Ihsanoglu, will be presented in today's session of the National Guard to vote the law, and may be prior to that, modifying these two points, indicating that the Union of Forces rejects that there be a special degree and refuses to be the National Guard assortment of the people, but exclusively from the province.
    He noted the decision of the parliament, the existence of deliberation with the heads of blocs on this law passed in order to improve the atmosphere, which can be passed process reflected positively on the heroes of the popular crowd, especially they are the nucleus of the law.

     Furthermore, Ihsanoglu stressed that the law of parties ended was agreed upon and there was no any dispute about it, and that style will be voted on in one basket for materials.

     For his part, between the security and defense committee member Majed al-Gharawi, "morning" that the committee failed to reach final agreement on the two points Klavian to pass the National Guard Law, pointing out that the law in general, "agreed on a pass with only two paragraphs remain possible to reach a solution on them." .

    Read more: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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    Today's vote on the National Guard Law   Empty Re: Today's vote on the National Guard Law

    Post by lonelyintexas Thu 27 Aug 2015, 7:27 am

    Sounds good Ward, they are moving right along with their laws now too.
    day dreamer
    day dreamer
    Interacting Investor
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    Today's vote on the National Guard Law   Empty Urgent Parliament postpones vote on the National Guard and law to raise its next Saturday

    Post by day dreamer Thu 27 Aug 2015, 10:32 am

    Urgent Parliament postpones vote on the National Guard and law to raise its next Saturday

    [ltr][rtl]: : 2015/8/27[/rtl][/ltr]
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    Lifting of the House of Representatives to its regular Saturday.

     He postponed the House of Representatives in its meeting today to vote on the draft law in the National Guard completed the debate for the second reading of the draft freedom of expression and assembly and peaceful protest law. 
    It is said that a majority of the Council voted on the draft law of parties Alssayash.anthy

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