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    Experts: banking and stock exchange responded to the requirements of economic development

    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3118
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    Experts: banking and stock exchange responded to the requirements of economic development Empty Experts: banking and stock exchange responded to the requirements of economic development

    Post by Hkp1 Mon 31 Dec 2012, 7:26 am

    Experts: banking and stock exchange responded to the requirements of economic development

    31/12/2012 09: 21

    capital market is in Iraq to achieve quantum leaps in performance
    elements of the three banks, stock market, insurance companies to deal
    with change and development and the requirements of the requested
    transformation towards a market economy and achieve economic

    In this framework, the Central Bank of Iraq seeks to
    improve the performance of public and private banks and through
    cooperation with some international institutions where the Bank issued
    instructions commensurate with the requirements of the global banking
    industry and the recommendations of the Basel I and Basel II.

    said the World Bank's expert Dr. Majid in an interview that the Central
    Bank got the grant amounted to $ 10 million from donor countries by the
    World Bank in cooperation with international companies dedicated to the
    preparation of the necessary studies for regulatory and operational
    restructuring and Rafidain Bank's financial and governance.

    drew mock it to improve performance the Bank has trained more than 700
    employees at various levels, especially leading ones in these banks and
    the Central Bank of Iraq, to look at the achievements of the global
    banking industry and the way they work and training with trying to apply
    them to work.

    Mock noted that the Central Bank prepared a new
    law on the Organization of work of the Government, banks and submitted
    to the State Council in the month of July the past to complement
    restructuring, noting that the law relies on modern trends in the
    management of State-owned banks, particularly with regard to the
    independence of the management of these banks on the ownership of
    capital» Bank» governance

    Sham suggested that studies carried out
    by international companies made important recommendations for the
    structure of the banks and the methods and procedures for improving the
    performance of these banks in accordance with international standards.

    was explained that these recommendations were discussed by all
    stakeholders, and approved by the Supreme Supervisory Committee on
    restructuring, consisting of Central Bank Governor and Finance Minister
    and Chairman of the audit and mock noted that now is to follow up the
    implementation of these recommendations
    by parties representing the
    Supreme Supervisory Committee under the stewardship of and direct
    follow-up by the Governor including recommendations concerning the need
    to implement comprehensive banking system, which will allow the
    development of banks and expand its services, as well as enable the same
    banks, Central Bank Application of real-time control and prudential

    Sham suggested that the Central Bank is interested in Islamic
    banking where prepared special law with Islamic banks and sent it to
    the State Council, and the Bank is now a law to guarantee deposits in

    The absence of modern mechanisms, diagnosis of
    irregularities relating to money-laundering late, long after the fact.

    The Central Bank is currently working to ensure that mechanisms and
    programs, and will force all banks use. in the area of the Exchange has
    sought Iraq market for securities and through cooperation with the
    Federation of Euro-Asian stock exchanges to train and upgrade the skills
    of employees on the application of modern electronic and advanced
    wettoiralanzomh in stock as well as with aumaks NASDAQ. Where was the
    discussion and study designs required for the new system» AXN».

    these technologies impact on market performance, increase stock
    turnover and then check the principle of liquidity and its ability to
    implement dozens of contracts at the same moment when the conditions of

    The new system features and has the ability to
    bind and host any Exchange in Iraq and increase the number of investors
    has increased stock tickers and attract investors and is later used in
    the system exchanges Arabic-Dubai Abu Dhabi, Egypt, Bahrain-and have a
    high potential and in the implementation of contracts and technical
    support of company NASDAQ and allows Iraq Erbil market hosting market
    for efficient implementation of securities and trading high.

    the same context, the head of the Board of Governors in Iraq market for
    securities Leith Sulayman al-Tamimi of the intention of the Council and
    market management training courses lectures by university professors
    specialize in Iraq market institution, and to communicate information to
    all stakeholders through information as the most important and most
    dangerous way to communicate with the public, as well as for the nature
    of the work of the Iraq market for securities and the role of the media
    in attracting investment, adding "there are future sessions and 6
    workshops including sessions of other editors, and to extract financial
    statements of listed companies and future workshop agreement With the
    Central Bank of Iraq on how to delete the zeros, and its impact on Iraq
    and on the market shares on the market.

    The main achievements of
    the Council» this year help «custodian» to save investors money
    available in all countries of the world and his investors ' funds, and
    be either a bank or Corporation, or foreign banks, and we are working
    with the electronic trading system and is one of the newest systems in
    the world.

    And focused on the role of the media organization in
    attracting investment, pointing out that the economic development
    information or in Iraq is still in the development stage and need to
    activate this role to achieve the ability to analyse information and not
    just move and called for the revitalization of the role of the media in
    the process of economic development in the country, while the
    performance of the insurance sector was slow welaitmashi with the
    requirements of the big shift in the country's reconstruction.

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