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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Be implemented over a maximum period of 20 April

    Admin Assist
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    Be implemented over a maximum period of 20 April  Empty Be implemented over a maximum period of 20 April

    Post by Rocky Sat 30 Mar 2013, 4:52 pm

    Be implemented over a maximum period of 20 April

    03.30.2013 BAGHDAD - promised Shammari

    Be implemented over a maximum period of 20 April
    New Morning reveal agreements between Mutlaq - Karbouli "national"
    Iraqi List, announced new details about the agreements concluded by the Ktlta Saleh al-Mutlaq and Jamal Karbouli with the National Alliance, revealing the existence of the timeframe for the implementation of what has been reached expires on April 20 of next Otherwise ministers will decide who attend government meetings retreating again.
    In turn put the Authority's political alliance national conditions to pass these agreements, in the forefront of the vote on infrastructure projects, and institution of political prisoners and the Martyrs Foundation and compensate victims of terrorism, pointing out that the approval of the Iraqi conditions will be ground ready for dialogue and implement the demands of existing constitutional.
    The ministers blocs Mutlaq and Karbouli, who announced the formation of the Iraqi bloc Arab participation in local elections, announced their return to cabinet meetings after the agreement on several laws, Mathar ire of their former partners in Iraq and promised to end the boycott a departure from the existing line.
    The MP said the Iraqi Yassin al-Obeidi said in a statement singled out by the (New Morning) that "the return of the front (Mutlaq - Karbouli) to the government express a different view from the rest of the menu that preferred to stay outside the executive branch to the lack of seriousness Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to the implementation of previous agreements" .
    He al-Obeidi said "the Iraqi bloc Arab strove to hold new agreements with the National Alliance to pass a basket of laws which is what happened during the past few days by a government to refer a number of projects to parliament to be passed," pointing out that "these agreements is to pass the amnesty law and the release of prisoners and the abolition of legal paragraph by confidential informant statements and canceled resolutions 76 and 88 special book properties, in addition to the amendment of the law of accountability and justice and restore balance to the state's institutions. "
    Obeidi said that "the agreement between the parties provided for the complete implementation before next April 20," returned "cabinet vote on some of these projects is not the end, but it would end the passing of these laws to the House of Representatives."
    He concluded Iraqi MP said that "if they do not abide by the other parties to pass these laws in the House of Representatives in the schedule back Iraqi bloc Arab withdrawal again from the government and definitively that the purpose of the return current to give a last chance to prove its goodwill in front of the rest of the partners."
    The head of the National Reconciliation Commission in Parliament MP for the Iraqi Qais Cdhir said in a statement (New Morning) yesterday that "the Committee of Five responsible for monitoring the demands of the demonstrators and the preparation of draft laws that affect them for submission to the Government completed about 80% of the tasks were left with only one balance Iraqi state institutions which Stfathh during the next few days. "
    In a striking development, the Authority disclosed to the National Alliance political conditions for the implementation of the agreements with the block (Mutlaq - Karbouli), warning to its willingness for dialogue and move the political process provided you do not override the Constitution.
    A member of the Authority for the National Alliance political, Attorney Shaker Darraji "we are committed to what has been agreed upon within the negotiating committees and the government, but we have conditions that must be on the other side implemented because the commitment does not belong to the other without."
    He Darraji in his speech (New Morning) "projects which are voted on must be in line with the Constitution," pointing "as we have a basket of broken laws should be passed as soon as the parliament in conjunction with projects blocs Mutlaq and Karbouli."
    Regarding these laws between Darraji it "projects; infrastructure and institution of political prisoners, and the Martyrs Foundation, and the law of compensation for victims of terrorism, as well as a number of laws that belong to the Iraqi people deactivated from the last session."
    He Darraji, a leader of the coalition of state law that "the willingness of others to deal positively with our laws we will help them with their projects, because we hope that going political process forward and not stop at any obstacle."
    And decided to leaders of political blocs in the parliament to form a committee to follow up the demands of the demonstrators as «the Committee of Five» in (January 17 2013) is composed of the President of the National Alliance Ibrahim Jaafari as prime, and the membership of Saleh al-Mutlaq, Khalid al-Attiyah, Hadi al-Amiri, Mohsen al-Sadoun
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