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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Central bank: no intention to withdraw the category of 50,000 dinars from the domestic market

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    Central bank: no intention to withdraw the category of 50,000 dinars from the domestic market Empty Central bank: no intention to withdraw the category of 50,000 dinars from the domestic market

    Post by Rocky Wed 22 Jun 2016, 5:35 pm

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    Denied adviser to the CBI Walid Idi, Wednesday, news transmitted on the withdrawal of the 50 categories thousand dinars from the local market, adding that this news are baseless.
    "The central bank issued this category after long study and can not be withdrawn from the local market," he said, adding that it is characterized by high quality specifications in terms of design, printing, and its proximity to the bar can be blind to touch it and see category, "according to Manglth and news agency Nina.
    "The Bank, after deducting the idea of ​​issuing a class of 100 000 dinars, and the deletion of zeros from the currency, resorted to issuing a class of 50 000 dinars first," he said, adding that "this category able reductase large cash categories of paper in one easy movement, pregnancy and kept the money from being stolen ".
    He Idi "the difficulty of forging this category or manipulated being designed with the latest equipment."
    Some media deliberated news about the intention of the central bank to withdraw the 50 thousand dinars category of the market for its similarity to a certain extent with the class of 1000 dinars.

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    Central bank: no intention to withdraw the category of 50,000 dinars from the domestic market Empty Re: Central bank: no intention to withdraw the category of 50,000 dinars from the domestic market

    Post by Rocky Thu 23 Jun 2016, 5:29 am

    [rtl]The spread of the phenomenon of counterfeiting 50 thousand dinars in Iraqi markets[/rtl]


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    [rtl]BAGHDAD / Sky Press:[/rtl]


    [rtl]Sources, on Thursday, the start of the spread of counterfeit currency, especially from the category of 50,000 dinars, while sources confirmed that this currency is widely spread in the markets.[/rtl]


    [rtl]The sources for "Sky Press," that "the phenomenon of counterfeit currency began to spread dramatically in the markets, especially the category of 50,000 dinars, indicating that counterfeiting currency is the most dangerous phenomena on the national economy, one of the economic crimes that are punishable by law."[/rtl]


    [rtl] She added that "these counterfeit notes from a class 50,000 spread out these days in the Iraqi market Epeshkal great."[/rtl]


    [rtl]The counterfeit currency phenomenon or counterfeit is not only the problem of Iraq, there are many countries suffer from this phenomenon, but it may be deployed in Iraq, larger and especially in these days due to the preoccupation with security agencies to pursue terrorist groups and protect the areas, which gives an opportunity for counterfeiters to exploit this situation. "[/rtl]


    [rtl]CBI revealed agreed with Iraqi and international banks to withdraw counterfeit currency, while stressing that the fraud "are slowly," Iraqi economic expert pointed to "the failure of most of those operations because of the difficulty of forming a national banknote."[/rtl]

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    Central bank: no intention to withdraw the category of 50,000 dinars from the domestic market Empty Central Bank: 50 thousand counterfeit currency is neat and easy to detect

    Post by Rocky Thu 23 Jun 2016, 8:37 am


    Central Bank: 50 thousand counterfeit currency is neat and easy to detect

    [rtl]History of edits:: 06.23.2016 15:13 • 136 visits readable[/rtl]
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    {Baghdad: Euphrates News} reduced the director general of release and credit of the Central Bank Abdul Abbas Khalaf, the fears of forged currency to the category of 50,000 dinars, indicating that the emergence of "counterfeit currency is neat and easy to detect, and that the forgery process is limited.
    He said Khalaf told {Euphrates News} "any currency can Tzivera, and all currencies in the world are exposed to the fraud, saying that " with the start of the issuance of aclass of 50 000 dinars , we have organized a media campaign, to illustrate theevolving security specifications in the banknote for the citizens and the traders currency , whether dealers or citizens know these security specifications in thecurrency to be scanned. " 
    He added : " unfortunately there are no culture of acquisition currency scanners among the citizens, and the owners of the shops and malls assumed that these devices rely especially since most of the nations of the world examine the currency in commercial centers. " 
    He stressed that " contracted with companies global currency printing, including thecompanies that prints the euro, Mishra said , "there are dealing with cash that can pass through a fake currencies and the security authorities, the need to combat economic crime and through its presence markets and field track fraud and scaled gangs." 
    He added , "the central bank does not have to follow - up to the currency in themarket, but is issuing a currency with high quality, and that the counterfeiting process is very limited for the currency, noting that "counterfeit currency reveal once viewed as a glance Tvhsah simple and can be easily spotted being not completely identical to the original currency, that people to Taamilon in the market can detect" urging the citizen currency scan , especially when receiving cash bundles large amounts. " 
    it is said that most of the Iraqi currency categories was faked and is located citizen victim of it until he has the experience and discover the fraudulent action after thetime of Tzivera, another category was Tzivera is the currency of 50 000 dinars Itwas seized in the markets. 
    the economists see the need to make larger than before combat economic crime to prevent counterfeiting and the damage to the national economy , "one .anthy efforts

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    Central bank: no intention to withdraw the category of 50,000 dinars from the domestic market Empty Re: Central bank: no intention to withdraw the category of 50,000 dinars from the domestic market

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