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    Competent parliamentary committees: charge Central crew did not amount to corruption and the hope of

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    Competent parliamentary committees: charge Central crew did not amount to corruption and the hope of Empty Competent parliamentary committees: charge Central crew did not amount to corruption and the hope of

    Post by Rocky Tue 18 Jun 2013, 8:00 pm

    Competent parliamentary committees: charge Central crew did not amount to corruption and the hope of neutrality in Court tomorrow

    2013/06/19 (00: 30 pm)

     Baghdad Mohammad Sabah
    Deputies criticized the financial and legal committees in Parliament, which will trial 30 of Central Bank officials on Thursday for "wasting public money," the exclusion of Sinan Al-Shabibi team contributed to the collapse of the value of the dinar.
    With the House surprised the crew brought the Central Bank's previous trial before an administrative investigation under the supervision of specialist, stressed that the charges do not rise to the level of financial and administrative corruption ", noting that it was" masterminded by night ", and that" control of the Iraqi economy. " But the two have not ruled out the involvement of young staff in corruption.
    The Central Bank of Iraq faced late last year severely criticized because of the high demand for the dollar led to the issuance of the notes catch the Bank Governor Sinan Al-Shabibi and Vice-President Mohammad Saleh appearance while participating in an International Conference. And, after returning to the country for over a month on charges of "deliberately wasting public funds" but pressures civilian activists have contributed to changing the charge to "wasting public money, and released on bail in March.
    In this context, the existing Committee member Falah, the charges against former Central Bank Manager, which included approximately 30 employees, does not rise to the level of financial and administrative corruption. "
    The force, in an interview with the "range" yesterday, that these charges are based on the issue of governance, there were no documents and evidence of a clear and explicit condemnations. "
    Finance Committee member stated that the "Court of Central Bank officials scheduled for Thursday will be primitive and subtract payments will include documents that prove that the previous administration was not involved in corruption or wastage of public money," but says "do not rule out that some of the younger staff play a significant role in the process of rising exchange rates and contributed to the corruption issue."
    And on the political will to change the former Central Bank Governor and his Deputy, said a citizen "of each trial or charges or warrants issued against senior State political party stands behind them."
    He criticized the way force slinging random charges without evidence of management of the Central Bank, asking, "How can the Deputy political party collection of reports and position papers, and then display the control points and their either be embarrassed or made very to take some action." Two days before undergoing the trial, saw the appearance of Mohamed Saleh "accusing the former Bank Management focuses on the auction sales which allegedly exceeded the needs of the Iraqi economy, meaning that his need is half the quantities sold," adding that "the second charge is fluctuating exchange rate which the Bank despite external factors hit the local market economy at the same time."
    Current shows that "team of former Central Bank Governor Sinan Al-Shabibi was subject to administrative investigation while such cases require referral to the competent professional administrative investigation by the Inspector General, and in the light of this investigation proves of it defaulting", expressing surprise at the "position of the House of representatives, which kept pace with the process of the Court and the outcome of the results."
    Mohammad Saleh appearance attributed the criticism and charges facing the former crew of the Central Bank to "the conflict between political positions, in addition to ignorance of Central Bank action is what has brought us to the courts, there is no other topic as some" promoted, "the Central Bank issue where mixed leaves, concepts and ignorance, many victims were killed because of this culture."
    For its part, the legal Committee considered that "the trial of former Central Bank are trying to oust the competencies and experiences and people loyal to political contacts and inexperienced."
    Raad said Danielle, for "yesterday," "political asymmetry hindered administrative work as well as having political interests have led to accusations of management to keep the Central Bank's former crew on stage for partisan interests."
    "Danielle" picture is unclear about the charges faced by the former Department of the Central Bank, especially not in the formal judicial process as orchestrated by night ".
    The Iraqi list MP "end of trial of the crew of the Central Bank is to control Iraqi economy", pointing to "an attempt to impose control over the Department before hand."
    Danielle justice called "the seriousness the case and consider impartially and give every right and stay away from political bickering and bickering back and everyone looking for this file in privacy".
    He is a member of the legal Committee "after changing the previous Administration noticed the breakdown rate of the Iraqi dinar, so that some quarters are trying to keep the brains and talent and hiring inexperienced people have loyalty to particular political party that controls the Government."
    The Cabinet decided, last October, the head of the Office of financial supervision Abdel Basset Turki as Central Bank Governor instead of Shabibi Agency. The truth in Iraq revealed the fund development matches, in April, the Central Bank sold over the past six years the process of auctions around 207 billion dollars, equivalent to 56 percent of Iraq's oil revenue in those years. He accused deputies, politicians and economists, the Central Bank over the past months, burn "on average four billion dollars a month in hard currency auction for ten banks".

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