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    Trump Campaign Admits It Has A Secret Weapon… Releases Bombshell Name


    Posts : 28411
    Join date : 2013-01-12

    Trump Campaign Admits It Has A Secret Weapon… Releases Bombshell Name Empty Trump Campaign Admits It Has A Secret Weapon… Releases Bombshell Name

    Post by Lobo Mon 10 Oct 2016, 12:18 pm

    Trump Campaign Admits It Has A Secret Weapon… Releases Bombshell Name
    Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s campaign manager just revealed its new top surrogate.
    He’s a secret weapon against Hillary Clinton. He’s someone whose words will damage and destroy the Democrat nominee’s campaign. He’s enough to ensure that Donald Trump wins.
    What’s this secret weapon’s name? William Jefferson Clinton.
    According to Politico, after the former president called aspects of Obamacare “the craziest thing in the world” — in spite of his attempts to institute many of the same policies, via his wife — Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway told MSNBC that Clinton may be their top surrogate.
    “I think it’s a huge issue that’s been left on the table in these debates. We’ve got now President Bill Clinton as our best surrogate, and we’re thinking of having him on the road — we’re thinking of having him in the spin room with us in St. Louis,” Conway said during an appearance on “Morning Joe,” referencing the site of the second presidential debate.
    “But also, I just wanted to mention that Donald Trump does say really that his plan for health care reform would be the ability to have your insurance be portable, to buy it across state lines, much the way you would buy car insurance, for example, also to have health savings accounts so that you own that piece of your health care and you can manage it the way you would anything else.
    “That gives people certain responsibility and ownership,” she concluded.
    Conway is right, and not just on health care (although Bill’s epic gaffe certainly helped the Trump campaign).
    Take Bill’s treatment of women. Hillary Clinton has taken it for decades, and it’s far worse than Donald Trump has ever been accused of.
    Or take the fact that Bill is one of only two presidents ever to have been impeached. The possibilities are endless.
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    He’s a secret weapon, and the hilarious thing is that Hillary Clinton’s people believe he’s on their side.

      Current date/time is Thu 12 Sep 2024, 7:21 am