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    Post by Lobo Tue 01 Nov 2016, 2:28 pm

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    Post by fonz1951 Tue 01 Nov 2016, 7:42 pm

    lobo, help. i click on this and it comes up wanting me to open a gmail account, when i do, the articles still don't come up. is it me or what?

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    Post by Lobo Tue 01 Nov 2016, 7:48 pm

    I don't understand - here are articles -

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    HuffPo: Muhammad Was ‘History’s First Feminist’

    It seems the Huffington Post is taking over for The Onion.
    David Wood explains here (read it all):
    FACT #1: The Qur’an allows (or, perhaps, commands) men to beat their wives into subservience. If a wife doesn’t listen to her husband, the husband should admonish her. If that doesn’t work, he is to make her sleep in a separate bed. However, if the wife still doesn’t respect her husband’s authority, even after she has been banished to another bed, the husband is told to physically punish her. Consider three translations of the following verse:
    Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to excel the other, and because they spend of their property (for the support of women). So good women are the...
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    Clinton Chief Wanted Fake ‘Decoy’ Leaks After Email Scandal Broke

    Look at how evil these bastards are. No remorse, no reflection, no ‘look at these emails, we were evil and we must good.” No, more evil. The meant to create fake emails in order to trick the American people into thinking that the real emails, the true emails, might be false as well.
    Truly frightening on Halloween.
    They have been dropping hoaxes at sites like the Baltimore Gazette for weeks now in attempt to discredit anyone (especially the alt-right) who might pick up the story.

    This is from Reuters 10/8/16. What bullshit. Obama is implicated in the email hack as well. “Wag the dog” scenario here.
    “Guccifer 2.0″ has already proven documents can be faked” for a Russian disinformation...
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    Hacked email shows Donna Brazile leaked debate question to Hillary Clinton #crooked #cheaters

    Lowlifes — and they act so self-righteous, scorning and smearing those of us who are fighting in defense of freedom and pursuit of truth. Crooks, liars, cheaters and worse.
    If America elects these criminals, she deserves what’s to come.
    Hacked email suggests Donna Brazile leaked question to Hillary Clinton campaign ahead of CNN primary debate,” Business Insider, October 31, 2016:
    Donna Brazile, the interim chair of the Democratic National Committee, appeared to tip off Hillary Clinton’s campaign about a question in advance of a CNN Democratic primary debate in March, hacked emails published by WikiLeaks on Monday suggested.
    “One of the questions directed to HRC tomorrow is from a woman with a rash,”...
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    German Streets Descend into Lawlessness

    As Muslim riots break out in Paris, German streets descend into chaos, and it’s what Hillary promises for America, if the ungodly happens and that wretch becomes president.
    “German Streets Descend into Lawlessness,” by Soeren Kern October 31, 2016:
    “We are losing control of the streets.”
    The rape of a ten-year-old girl in Leipzig, the largest city in Saxony, has drawn renewed attention to the spiraling levels of violent crime perpetrated by migrants in cities and towns across Germany — and the lengths to which German officials and the media go to censor information about the perpetrators of those crimes.

    The girl was riding her bicycle to school at seven o’clock in the morning on October 27 when a...
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    VIDEO CHAOS IN PARIS: Muslim Migrants RIOTING in France

    Coming to a neighborhood near you if  Hillary gets her way.
    “CHAOS IN PARIS: Riot police swarm as migrant camp destruction provokes fierce clashes,” By Romina McGuinness and Peter Allen, The Express, Oct 31, 2016
    FIGHTS have broken out on the streets of Paris as riot police supported demolition workers in smashing up a camp full of UK-bound migrants
    Scuffles broke out as mainly Afghans and Eritreans tried to save their possessions during the raid, which started soon after 8am.
    It followed thousands of migrants arriving in the French capital following the razing of the Calais Jungle refugee camp last week. While some 5,000 Jungle residents agreed to be bussed to resettlement centres around France, many others headed off...
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    Muslim Cleric: Jews ‘Like a Cancer in the Economy of Countries’

    One of the Muslim world’s leading scholars, Dr. Abdallah Al-Yahya, took to the public platform of YouTube to warn his fellow Islamic friends: Jews are “like a cancer” and the spread must be stopped.
    Specifically, he said:
    Jews “are like a cancer in the economy of countries. If they spread, along comes someone to eradicate them, but then they grow once again,” MEMRI reported. “They undergo various stages, but woe to the world and to the Jews themselves if they become strong.”
    Hard to believe some still see the Koran as a book of peaceful teachings.
    But as MEMRI found, as reported by Jihad Watch:
    “Al-Yahya further said: ‘Before they were burned in the Holocaust, as they claim, the Jews...
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    Sharia Court Accused of Protecting Wife-Beating Men

    The Muslim Arbitration Tribunal in Nuneaton, Warwickshire, has been placed in the cross-hairs of humanitarian and legal groups after case after case of domestic violence involving the man as the aggressor and the woman as the victim seemed to have been decided along the lines of Sharia law – the part that gives Muslim husbands the right to beat their wives.

    The Express has the news:
    “The Nuneaton Mat is one of the most influential Sharia courts in Britain, ruling on disputes between members of Muslim communities. On the tribunal’s website it states that it can make submissions to ask the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) to reconsider criminal charges brought against men accused of domestic violence.
    “The Mat says it aims...
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    France Admits ‘Deradicalization’ for Jihadis Is Big Failure

    Of course it failed. If you don’t address the ideology (or in this case, the disease), what hope do you have of curing the patient?
    France announced just recently inmates who lean toward a jihadist mindset would no longer be allowed to isolate themselves from the rest of the prison population, or receive special counseling and therapy sessions in similar isolated fashion, because such “deradicalization” efforts simply don’t work.
    And the finding ought to turn heads in America: the United States has a program that’s based on a similar logic – that you can take the jihad out of the wanna-be if you simply get him alone and counsel him.
    The isolated treatment had been France’s way of dealing with jailed...
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    HuffPo Germany: All Signs in Europe Should Be in ARABIC

    HuffPo Germany looks to be as anxious to surrender to the invaders as HuffPo U.S. The barbarians are within the gates.

    “HuffPo Germany: All Signs in Europe Should Be in Arabic,” by Chris Tomlinson, Breitbart, October 25, 2016:
    A Syrian migrant teen has demanded that all signs and products in Europe should be labelled in Arabic to make migrants feel more welcome.
    Aras Bacho moved to Germany from Syria five years ago and while only 18 has become a regular columnist in migrant issues across German media.
    “Of course everything in Europe should be in Arabic for refugees,” Bacho wrote in the German edition of The Huffington Post. Claiming that he finds it “sad” that many migrants can live in a country like Germany for...
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    Muslim riot in India: International media IGNORES attack by 20,000 devout Muslims on Hindu village

    India, along with Israel, Southern Sudan, etc., have been the battlefields in endless bloody wars to install a universal caliphate, the objective of the global jihad. The international media, meanwhile, is too busy hand-wringing over islamofauxbia to notice. Shameful.
    “20,000 Jihadis attacked village Kaligram in Malda, West Bengal, Lives at stake,” World Hindu News, October 19, 2016 (thanks to Michael):

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    Here is a summary of what has happened in my Village Kaligram, Malda,West Bengal – 732126. It’s written in a hurry to get media coverage of the horrific riot that Muslims did in Kaligram, Malda. This Village(PIN code – 732126) is around 75 Kms from Malda Town.
    As, usual Durga Puja was organized this year...
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    New York Times Tries Desperately to Clean Up For Hillary and Huma

    The NYT, in trying to clean up for Hillary and act as if she is distancing from Huma even if she isn’t, is diving into the sexual scandals engulfing Anthony Weiner, and spreading the scandals around. They even cited the email after midnight in which Hillary tells Huma to knock on her door if it’s closed “for a chat.” Lol — “for a chat”? How do they know?? How do they know why Huma came to Hillary’s bedroom after midnight? It could have been to give her pyridium, but they had to tell us rubes that it was “for a chat.” How do they know??? Afraid we’ll think something else when we hear about a knock on the door to Hillary’s bedroom late at night? If Hillary wanted to...
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    Post by fonz1951 Tue 01 Nov 2016, 10:37 pm

    never was able to get them until now

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