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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Municipality of Baghdad to prevent the giant trucks from passing through by Muhammad Qasim

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    Municipality of Baghdad to prevent the giant trucks from passing through by Muhammad Qasim Empty Municipality of Baghdad to prevent the giant trucks from passing through by Muhammad Qasim

    Post by Rocky Tue Feb 07, 2017 4:38 am

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    Municipality of Baghdad to prevent the giant trucks from passing through by Muhammad Qasim

     BAGHDAD / Saja Hashim 

    Baghdad Municipality confirmed that traffic accidents taking place in the Muhammad al - Qasim by displaying some of the foundations to the danger, pointing to prevent trucks with high load on highway traffic until a maintenance required. The highway Muhammad al - Qasim, which opened in the eighties of the last century, one of the largest strategic roads and a length of 20 km and connects the north and south of the capital. And displays the road, in 2009, to the collapse of about 100 meters of its parts adjacent to the Ministry of Finance after the bombing of a truck bomb. And caused a large fire broke out last year, in the Renaissance area stores, partial damage. 
    Said Hakim Abdul Zahra, official spokesman for the Baghdad Municipality, (range) that "everyone knows that Mjsr door bulks during the past years suffered a huge blow in the proximal part of the Ministry of Finance and after a while came opposite the site of the fire caused damage to parts of the bridge." 
    Abdul Zahra, adding that " the Baghdad Municipality in 2014 submitted a request to the Economic Commission related to the Ministry of Planning, consisting of several ministries and ensure that the Secretariat 's request consultancy study for the maintenance of the bridge, but we do not get any approvals." 
    The spokesman said the Municipality of Baghdad that " the media is talking about the subject of collapse three days ago, but the problem at the Secretariat undiagnosed for years, based on which the project was to refer to the concerned authorities to take necessary measures regarding sustain Almgesr." 
    He said Abdul Zahra "Now Asthsalna approval of the Economic Committee, but the company , which was transmitted to the maintenance project in advance, are now asked to increase costs by 20%, so as to stretch and creep parts hard concrete on the rules under the bridge , " he said , adding that " the company made a complete study in this regard It was to submit the issue of the new economic Commission for approval of the project after the increase. " 
    And on the secretariat 's action at the present time until the start maintenance and perpetuation, Abdul Zahra said , "Now is casual monument in the eastern section area near the Interior Ministry as well as in the Renaissance area," noting that "we are of the crossbar to prevent cars with high load of traffic on this street." He said : "We want that the line now remain passable and cars pass by, but the high - load vehicles with 20 tons and more are not allowed to pass through at the present time until a maintenance Mjsr" .ouhol ease the pressure on the path of Muhammad al - Qasim plans, says a spokesman for the Municipality of Baghdad that " such a strategic and important lines are not the responsibility of the Municipality of Baghdad, but this is the responsibility of the Ministry of construction in regards to building a quick lines and streets of the strategy. " 
    Abdul Zahra pointed out that " the Secretariat has completed more than 10 Mjsrat spending after 2003, but part of the main lines have been forwarded to the Secretariat and received the business, including Muhammad al - Qasim Street and the secretariat maintenance and sustainability to him." 
    The Baghdad Provincial Council, called Amanat provide clarification on reports addressed by the media about the dangers that threaten to collapse by Muhammad Qasim. 
    A statement by the Council that " the provincial council continued Saturday, with concern some reports published by the media , which has warned of the possibility that part of Almgesr by Muhammad Qasim for quick passage of the danger of collapse due to lack of maintenance and sustainability." 
    And called for the secretariat of Baghdad, according to its statement, provide clarification regarding the reports published by local media that warned of the possible collapse of Mjsr Mohammad Qasim for quick passage . "She added that the secretariat of Baghdad , as the party responsible for this vital road are invited to a thorough explanation of the merits of the report of the Advisory Group of the University of Baghdad , about the reality Mjsr Mohammad Qasim and treatment of damages, if any , for the safety of road users. 
     the Mayor of Baghdad , former Naim Abaob warned, in a press statement on Saturday, the prospect of thecollapse of Almgesr part of the way Muhammad Qasim for quick passage because of neglect and lack of maintenance of the sections affected is noteworthy that the Municipality of Baghdad announced in the summer of 2014, the end of the year will see the work is completed development project by Muhammad al - Qasim Highway, attributed the reasons for the delay in completing the project to the large number of abuses faced by the functioning of the project. 
    executing the Jordanian company was a development project by Muhammad al - Qasim rapid begun work on the project in 2011 but the project stopped several times because of abuses by the citizens and government departments on the territory of the project, as well as the deteriorating security situation between now and then in the capital , Baghdad.
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