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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    A consensus on mobilizing German efforts to reconstruct the liberated areas

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    A consensus on mobilizing German efforts to reconstruct the liberated areas Empty A consensus on mobilizing German efforts to reconstruct the liberated areas

    Post by Rocky Mon 24 Jul 2017, 2:54 am

    A consensus on mobilizing German efforts to reconstruct the liberated areas


    24/7/2017 12:00 AM

    The establishment of a commercial center in Baghdad  
    BAGHDAD / Hussein Tgb
    examined the Iraqi - German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the presence of a parliamentary economic committee in the Council of Ministers basic requirements to encourage German investment in Iraq and employ technological capabilities to serve the national economy and contribute to the reconstruction of the liberated areas and activate the productive and service sectors suffering a clear flaw. Strategic Projects Chairman of the Chamber d. Alaa Al Nouri said that the Chamber is considering today the vision of the Chamber and the private sector to reconstruct the liberated areas, mechanisms of mobilizing efforts and German companies to contribute to the reconstruction of liberated areas and the implementation of strategic projects in various regions of  Iraq. We will also work on opening an office for German industries in Iraq. In return, the German side will open an office for Iraqi industries in one of its cities. The German side gave a financial grant to contribute to the reconstruction of liberated areas and to employ projects that concern the  citizen's life . The investment environment MP Hamdiya Husseini confirmed the possibility of activating global investments, including German in the safe areas of Iraq, pointing to the need to work towards creating an ideal investment environment attractive not preferred international companies, and must be concerted efforts to undermine all the challenges that confuse the investment reality. She urged the administration of the Chamber to be an important and important axis of cooperation between Iraq and Germany and is working to attract the companies we need for their ability to implement the  qualitative. The role of the chamber The adviser in the Economic Committee of the Cabinet Taha al-Hashemi: He stressed that the role of the Chamber is important in the revitalization of the national economy, pointing to the importance of changing the view of the Department of Economic Affairs of the private sector, a nucleus to support this sector, especially that it was in each session discuss a specific sector. Activating cooperation First Deputy Chairman of the Chamber Majid Mozan said: The Iraqi-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry must be a positive model of the local economic blocs, where it is necessary to take seriously the adoption of new mechanisms to promote the national economy through the activation of cooperation between the two sides, pointing to the need to work To overcome the challenges that confuse the reality of work in Iraq, especially as we are on the stage of major reconstruction. The German experience is a member of the Board of Directors of the Chamber Hamed Al-Hamdani pointed to the possibility to start specific projects and work to expand them, indicating that the development of technology is working on the development of what is present, stressing that when we look to expand cooperation with Germany must work towards benefiting from their experience and in all generations We will have the benefit of this experience, which brings Germany back to economic life strongly after it emerged from the devastating war. German business expert Raad Obaid Awad said: "The benefit from the German experience is important and German business incubators can be very supportive at first. It will be of great benefit to young people, as the projects that can be established and support this trend are gradually strengthened and expanded. He pointed out that activating the role of young people in economic life will benefit the national economy, where youth are the main focus of economic development, and human resources are the first element of success. A member of the Board of Directors of the Chamber Abdul Hussein Al-Mubarakah pointed out that the planning includes the establishment of the German commercial center in Baghdad, which aims to display German products in Iraq, and this trend fails a lot of effort and time from the Iraqi trader where he can know the type of goods and German companies . He said the chamber was ready to help open the branches of German companies inside Iraq. A member of the Board of Directors of the Chamber Abdul Hussein Al-Mubarakah pointed out that the planning includes the establishment of the German commercial center in Baghdad, which aims to display German products in Iraq, and this trend fails a lot of effort and time from the Iraqi trader where he can know the type of goods and German companies . He said the chamber was ready to help open the branches of German companies inside Iraq. A member of the Board of Directors of the Chamber Abdul Hussein Al-Mubarakah pointed out that the planning includes the establishment of the German commercial center in Baghdad, which aims to display German products in Iraq, and this trend fails a lot of effort and time from the Iraqi trader where he can know the type of goods and German companies   . He said the chamber was ready to help open the branches of German companies  inside Iraq.

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