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    The general budget for the year 2014 holds the attention of experts

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    The general budget for the year 2014 holds the attention of experts  Empty The general budget for the year 2014 holds the attention of experts

    Post by Rocky Wed 02 Oct 2013, 3:52 am

    The general budget for the year 2014 holds the attention of experts

    Yesterday at 6:59 pm

    Before they are discussed in the Council of Ministers
    BAGHDAD - Hussein ثغب Tamimi
    acquires the general budget of the country on the concerns of experts, the economic and interested parties, and that the size of the budget, which exceeded the barrier 174 trillion dinars, according to the draft budget, and became a figure worthy to stand with him, where it came from claims need to be linked to budget figures the development process. diversify revenue , an economist Majid picture, said in an interview for the (morning) that the size of the budget large and is the largest in the history of the country, pointing to the importance that is linked to the budget process of economic development to achieve the goals of the local economy and whose access to the stage of the diversity of revenue through the activation of All production and service sectors. budget items and added that the budget still to day characterized balancing items, despite the presence of the Commission has been working for years to turn them into the development budget. Indicating that the discussion at this time is positive and there is plenty of time for approval in a timely manner, pointing out that it is still a draft in the Council of Ministers did not recognize until now, and then sent to the House of Representatives for approval. Development Plan Suri continued by saying: that the development process starting from the current year down to the year 2017 and would prefer to have an important part within the budget allocations for next year. He stressed that the budget is still without economic indicators clearly address the important issues in Iraqi society, particularly the fight against poverty and reduce the proportion of the unemployed, they prefer to have allocated a fixed within the ministries and provinces to the process of comprehensive development. terms of the difficulties faced by the budget said Suri to the importance of that is resolve differences with the Kurdistan region that relate to oil companies, pointing to the importance that the law applies financial management and the law of public debt so that we can create a balanced development and employment of money in different areas feasible economically. economic feasibility of the view interested in economic affairs Jassim Al Aradi pointed out that the importance of preparation Prior to all institutions the possibility of hiring budget allocations in projects economically feasible, pointing to the importance of promoting aspect of administrative and supervisory framework through the implementation of various projects. said Aradi to the importance of that to take an accountant and auditor's legal role from next year and do role for more than it was previously, a proposal to take advantage of local expertise and international centers in this aspect, as well as the possibility of establishing specialized offices to accounting and auditing expertise of local and international produce results quickly and in order to maintain public money. at a time, informed sources said the Cabinet will discuss at a future meeting the draft budget of the country's public for the next year 2014 in preparation for submission to the Parliament for discussion and approval, which is estimated at $ 150 billion, the highest in the history of Iraq, and drew a source in the Ministry of Finance press statement that his ministry has completed the preparation of the draft budget of the country, and sent it to the government as a prelude to discuss the clauses at a future meeting, and referred to the the House of Representatives for discussion and approval. pointed out that the budget is calculated on the basis of an oil price of $ 90 per barrel, which is expected to reach the volume of oil exports for next year to 3.4 million barrels per day. He explained that the next budget than its predecessor in 2013 at about 36 trillion dinars (30 billion dollars). source said that the budget allocated 64 trillion dinars ($ 60 billion) of investment projects. He pointed out that it included the allocation of 132 thousand degrees and careers, including 72 thousand degrees to the owners of contracts, and 60 thousand new degree, explaining that the budget focused on the allocations of financial in-class basis on the energy sector both its oil and electricity, in addition to the security sectors of defense and interior ministries due to instability security, in addition to the housing sector. budget allocations for its part, said a member of the Finance Committee parliamentary Magda Tamimi, a press statement that the draft budget has allocated 38 trillion and 901 billion dinars for the energy sector by 11 trillion dinars to the Ministry of Electricity, 27 trillion and 901 billion dinars for the oil ministry, referring to the allocation of 7 trillion and 960 billion dinars for the Ministry of Commerce, including 5 trillion and 416 billion dinars allocated for the ration card. said that the share of the Ministry of Defence within the budget had reached 6 trillion and 376 billion dinars, and the Ministry of the Interior 10 trillion and 323 billion dinars, and the National Security Council 302 billion dinars. Thus, had the security sector and armament assignments reached the amount of about $ 14 billion. explained that the workforce of the ministries and departments centrally funded numbered 3,000,063 thousand employees, therefore budget allocated $ 3 trillion dinars salaries of new, as allocated to the agricultural sector the amount of 3 trillion and 248 billion dinars and the industrial sector 2 trillion and 405 billion dinars, construction and reconstruction trillion and 978 billion dinars. said Tamimi told (center news for the Iraqi Media Network) that paragraphs budget for next year also included the allocation of $ 99 billion and 240 million dinars for the presidency, and 4 trillion dinars and 153 billion dinars general budget of the Council of Ministers, and 380 billion dinars a counterbalance to the House of Representatives, pointing to the allocation of $ 5 billion and 305 million dinars for the Energy Committee, chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Hussain al-Shahristani, and 10 billion dinars for the Economic Commission chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister Ruz Nuri Shaways, and 14 billion dinars Services Committee, chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Saleh al-Mutlaq. local administrations and said that the amount of 10 trillion and 656 billion dinars had been allocated to local administrations (provincial) and investment bodies in the provinces, and 15 trillion and 910 billion dinars debts domestic and international, including the compensation of the State of Kuwait, which amounted to 6 trillion and 511 billion dinars, while the budget of the Kurdistan region of 18 trillion 936 billion dinars, accounting for 17 percent of the budget, which allocated it also $ trillion dinars (860 million dollars) for the oil companies operating in the Kurdistan region, which is expected to issue 250 thousand barrels per day of crude oil.

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