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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Oil announces the signing of two contracts to dig 40 wells and the implementation of seismic surveys

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277718
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Oil announces the signing of two contracts to dig 40 wells and the implementation of seismic surveys Empty Oil announces the signing of two contracts to dig 40 wells and the implementation of seismic surveys

    Post by Rocky Wed 19 Dec 2018, 6:32 am

    Oil announces the signing of two contracts to dig 40 wells and the implementation of seismic surveys of Majnoon field

    12:24 - 19/12/2018

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    Information / Baghdad ..
    Deputy Prime Minister for Energy and Oil Minister Thamir Abbas Ghadhban announced on Wednesday the signing of two contracts to dig 40 oil wells in the Majnoon field between the Basra Oil Company and Schlumberger and the signing of the three-dimensional seismic survey contract between Basra Petroleum Company and Oil Exploration Company.
    Al-Ghadhban said in a statement received that the field of Majnoon from the giant fields to have great production potential and that the signing of the two contracts comes to raise the production rates in the field as well as the technical management of the field of national effort after Shell withdrew from implementing its obligations to develop the field , Explaining that the drilling of 40 wells will increase production rates in the field, which in turn will provide additional financial revenue to the state treasury.
    "The implementation of the seismic surveys of a crazy field by the oil exploration company in a three dimensional manner will provide accurate information to the Basra Oil Company and will enable it to promote production in the field and increase production capacities and extract oil with the best technology and modern technology with a purely national effort."
    "The contract signed with Basra Oil Company is one of the major contracts executed by the company with its national capabilities, "He pointed out that the period of implementation of the contract 19 months, stressing that the availability of field capabilities, technical and laboratory company has been able to implement many of the contracts with licensing companies in Iraq."

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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277718
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Oil announces the signing of two contracts to dig 40 wells and the implementation of seismic surveys Empty Oil announces the signing of two contracts to dig 40 wells in Majnoon field

    Post by Rocky Wed 19 Dec 2018, 6:50 am

    Oil announces the signing of two contracts to dig 40 wells in Majnoon field

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    The Ministry of Oil announced on Tuesday the signing of two contracts to dig 40 wells in the field of Majnoon, noting that the signing of the contracts comes to raise production rates in the field.
    The Minister of Oil Thamir Ghadhban on the sidelines of the signing of the contract in a statement received "Economy News" a copy of it, "the ministry is keen to proceed with the implementation of plans to develop the field of Majnoon oil national effort," noting that "the ministry signed two contracts first to dig 40 oil wells in the field between the company The oil of Basra and Schlumberger, and the second signing of the contract for the implementation of seismic survey three dimensions and dimensions of the field between the Basra Oil Company and oil exploration company.
    "The signing of the contracts comes to improve the production rates in the field, as well as the provisions of the Technical Department of the field of national effort after Shell withdrew from the implementation of its obligations to develop the field." He added that the field of Majnoon from the giant fields has great potential for production.
    "The drilling of 40 wells will increase production rates in the field, which in turn will provide additional financial revenues to the State Treasury," Ghadhban said, pointing out that "the implementation of seismic surveys of a crazy field by the oil exploration company in a three dimensional manner will provide accurate information to the Basra Petroleum Company, In the field and to increase production capacities and extract oil with the best technology and modern technology with a purely national effort. "
    The Majnoon field is one of the giant oil fields in Iraq and the current production capacity is more than 240 thousand barrels per day.

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