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    The drug market in Iraq is the cheapest in the world

    Admin Assist
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    The drug market in Iraq is the cheapest in the world Empty The drug market in Iraq is the cheapest in the world

    Post by Rocky Tue 10 May 2022, 6:14 am

    POSTED ON[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] BY [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    [size=52]The drug market in Iraq is the cheapest in the world[/size]

    [size=45][You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
     Baghdad: Omar Abdul Latif

    The use of narcotic substances in Iraq has become a dangerous phenomenon that threatens the entire community, especially the youth segment, among whom this phenomenon has spread to destroy generations and entire families. The General Directorate for Combating Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances in the Ministry of Interior revealed that narcotic substances are the “cheapest” in Iraq compared to the rest of the world. With the aim of its rapid spread and circulation among young people, it confirmed the arrest of more than 5,000 accused of drug use and promotion during the past four months of this year.
    The directorate's media director, Colonel Bilal Sobhi, said in an interview: "The directorate has a complete database on narcotic substances, how they are entered, their prices, and what are the most prevalent substances in Iraq," noting that "crystal" is the most prevalent substance, circulated and desired by Arab youth, including them. The Iraqis.
    He attributed the reasons for the youth’s demand for this substance “because it is a stimulant and has a strong impact on all body systems, in addition to the young man’s access to a state of hallucinations mixed with ecstasy, and addiction to it is one or two times of abuse.”
    He added that "Iraq is the cheapest among the neighboring countries at the selling prices of these materials; The price of one gram is 5,000 dinars to secure its sale as soon as possible and to ensure its spread among young people after it was at a price of $100,” noting that “the price has recently risen after campaigning against drug dealers, bringing the price of one kilogram between 1,000 and 5,000 dollars.”
    He explained that "the materials that spread in Iraq are (crystal, hashish, and Captagon)," noting that "Iraq before 2003 and afterwards was a crossing and a corridor for the drug trade, but the consumption of these materials began to increase day after day among young people."
    And the directorate's media director continued, "The operations launched by the director's heroes are continuing and targeting major drug dealers, in addition to the fact that last year witnessed the arrest of 13,000 accused of trade, promotion and abuse, and the seizure of half a ton of narcotic substances, which is the highest since 2004 until now." He stressed that “the first four months of this year; It witnessed the arrest of 5,300 suspects and the seizure of 4 million Captagon pills and 110 kg of narcotics, not to mention the operations carried out by the National Security Agency and the Intelligence Directorate.”
    Sobhi pointed out that “Article 27 of the Drugs Law No. 50 of 2017 stipulates the imposition of the death penalty on anyone who imports, exports, cultivates or manufactures narcotics or psychotropic substances,” noting that “last year, death sentences were imposed on 10 people on charges of importing and exporting. Narcotics.
    For his part, the legal expert, Dr. Ali Al-Tamimi, confirmed that “the Drugs Law 68 of 1965 punished 15 years of imprisonment for drug use, at a time when drugs were not in such a horrific and frightening way that the abuser was referred to felonies.”
    Al-Tamimi added in an interview with “Al-Sabah” that “the new drug law No. 50 of 2017 in Article 32 of it came to bring down the penalty for drug use to making it a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment from one to two years and a fine of up to 10 million dinars only, which is a meager penalty. It does not fit the fact that Iraq is a market for drug use and is not an exporter or producer of drugs.”
    He stressed that "the goals of criminal punishment are deterrence and achieving social justice, and the punishment was unsuccessful in legislating this law, while there is a rise in drug abuse in cafes through (narcotics) and nightclubs."
    Disclaimer: All published articles represent the opinion of its authors only[/size]
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