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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    To encourage local industries and to enhance the role of the local product in the Iraqi markets.. Ba

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    To encourage local industries and to enhance the role of the local product in the Iraqi markets.. Ba Empty To encourage local industries and to enhance the role of the local product in the Iraqi markets.. Ba

    Post by Rocky Mon 05 Sep 2022, 5:08 am

    POSTED ON[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] BY [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    [size=52]To encourage local industries and to enhance the role of the local product in the Iraqi markets.. Baghdad investment opens a new factory for the production of bags with a high production capacity…[/size]

    As part of its continuous efforts in performing its tasks and reaping the fruits of its work from time to time, the Baghdad Investment Authority inaugurated this evening Sunday (4/9/2022) and in the presence of its Chairman, Consulting Engineer (Haider Al-Ansari), the project (Polypropylene Bags Production Factory, Paper Bags and Jute Bags) implemented from Before (Inks Company for Paper Industries and Bags Limited Liability) in the Dora area, which is one of the most prominent industrial investment projects implemented in the capital, Baghdad, of great economic importance, which is characterized by its quality, efficiency and specifications that conform to the international standards in force in this field.

    The work in the project included the construction of three new halls and the rehabilitation of two halls to be used as a warehouse for raw materials and the other for production lines with a capacity of (70) million bags of various kinds annually, depending on the best machines and equipment of solid origins that suit the actual need of bags that will supply the markets and sector institutions. public and private. Especially since these industries have become one of the best consumer industries currently due to the increasing and continuous demand for them. In addition, the project management worked on paving the streets, completing the parking lots, constructing green spaces, and constructing housing for the experts working in the project, as well as constructing other service facilities.

    Al-Ansari toured the corridors of the plant and was acquainted with its various facilities and the technology used in it, where he expressed his pleasure in completing this edifice in a record time, appreciating at the same time the efforts exerted in its implementation by the investing company, which expressed its gratitude to the Authority for the facilities and support it provided to them for its completion. Emphasizing that they will work with all their capabilities to prove their product in the local markets and enhance its role to compete in the future with similar products imported from outside the country.

    It is worth mentioning that Al Inks Company is one of the sober companies in the field of producing plastic and paper bags and has international support companies as well as enjoying a partnership contract with the Ministry of Commerce / the General Company for Grain Trade, as well as obtaining the ISO certificate for the quality and safety system, where the company adopts sobriety and quality through its lines Productivity with high automation and large production capacities.

    With the offer that the opening of the project contributed greatly to the provision of diverse job opportunities for local hands in various specializations.
    Disclaimer: All published articles represent the opinion of its authors only

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