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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Chinese and Emirati companies win oil contracts in Iraq

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277490
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Chinese and Emirati companies win oil contracts in Iraq Empty Chinese and Emirati companies win oil contracts in Iraq

    Post by Rocky Wed 15 Feb 2023, 2:07 pm

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    Oil Minister Hayan Abdel-Ghani announced the deadlines for signing contracts for the winning companies in the fifth border licensing round.
    According to the Ministry of Oil, the contracts include projects to develop 6 fields and exploratory patches.
    List of winning projects and companies:
    [list=rtl][*]Exploration, development and production of the Naft Khana exploration block in Diyala Governorate - the Chinese "Geo Jade" company.

    [*]Development and production of the Hoveizeh oil field in Maysan province - the Chinese "Geo Jade" company.

    [*]Development and production of the "Sinbad" oil field in Basra Governorate - the Chinese "UAG" company.

    [*]Development and production of the "Kalabat-Qamar" fields in Diyala Governorate - the Emirati "Crescent Petroleum" company.

    [*]Development and production of "Al-Khashm Al-Ahmar - Injana" fields in Diyala Governorate - the Emirati "Crescent Petroleum" company.

    [*]Exploration, development and production of the exploration block "Khidr Al-Maa" in Basra Governorate - the Emirati "Crescent Petroleum" company.

    The minister stressed, according to the statement, the importance of the final signing and expediting the activation of contracts in order for the winning companies to begin the work of developing fields and border exploration plots, after the approval of the Council of Ministers in its session held on February 7, 2023.
    And the recommendation of the Ministerial Council for Energy (23015-d for the year 2023) stipulated that “the contracts for the licensing round of border blocks and fields (the fifth round) should be finally signed and activated, since a very long period has passed since their referral.
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      Current date/time is Sat 14 Sep 2024, 6:26 am