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    Parliamentary legal: future legislation will be service

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Parliamentary legal: future legislation will be service Empty Parliamentary legal: future legislation will be service

    Post by Rocky Tue 25 Apr 2023, 6:03 am

    [size=52]Parliamentary legal: future legislation will be service[/size]
    • Today 11:37


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    [size=31]Information / Baghdad.. [/size]

    [size=31]On Tuesday, the Parliamentary Legal Committee identified the most prominent laws to be discussed and enacted after the approval of the Federal General Budget Law for the year 2023, noting that all laws affect segments of Iraqi society.[/size]

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    [size=31]A member of the committee, Omid Muhammad, said in an interview with the information agency, that "the budget law for the year 2023 is one of the important laws that will be enacted within the House of Representatives within the next two weeks, in addition to other laws that affect many segments of Iraqi society." [/size]

    [size=31]He added, "The Civil Service Law, Social Security, Personal Status Law, Social Welfare Law, and Amending the General Amnesty Law will all be discussed and legislated during the current legislative term."[/size]

    [size=31]And that "there are important laws that will see the light immediately after approving the budget," pointing out that "the Legal Committee has set a schedule for the legislation of laws, each according to its importance." [/size]

    [size=31]Pointing out that "these legislations will be fair to these segments, especially working to legislate laws that contribute to the development of economic sectors." [/size]

    [size=31]And a member of the Parliamentary Legal Committee, Ahmed Fawaz Al-Watifi, had revealed in a previous interview with Al-Maalouma Agency that there are more than 100 draft laws that are still parked in the corridors of the House of Representatives, including oil and gas, the Federal Court, and the Civil Service and Retirement Law. End / 25 h[/size]

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