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    Tamimi: reports of the ministries of oil and finance will accelerate the adoption of the budget in 2

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Tamimi: reports of the ministries of oil and finance will accelerate the adoption of the budget in 2 Empty Tamimi: reports of the ministries of oil and finance will accelerate the adoption of the budget in 2

    Post by Rocky Tue 07 Oct 2014, 8:11 am

    Tamimi: reports of the ministries of oil and finance will accelerate the adoption of the budget in 2014
          Tuesday   07   October   2014 | 14:13

    Qurtas News / Baghdad showed a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee Magda al-Tamimi, on Tuesday, that the receipt of detailed reports about the volume of oil imports from the ministries of oil and finance will accelerate the adoption of the budget in 2014. said Tamimi told the "Qurtas News", "The existence of the volume of imports in 2014 For oil source is necessary before discussing the budget, and the Finance Committee asked formally of the Presidium of Parliament to address the ministries of finance and oil to provide the Committee with detailed reports about the volume of oil exports and financial resources, before discussing the federal budget. " and noted that "the Commission has identified the two ministries duration not exceeding 20 days began in the first of this month, to deliver their reports. " added Al-Tamimi that "the Commission can not rely solely on what came from the government of the numbers completely with respect to expenditures and imports," adding that "the origin of those imports is oil, it must be imports in detail by the Ministry of Oil, financial and in the form of reports. " and continued that "the adoption of the federal budget for 2014 has become necessary and urgent by the House of Representatives, so should the Council of Ministers to expedite sending the budget to the Parliament for the purpose of discussing and voting on them." 

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