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    Sadr and Hakim Ihrjan Abadi .. and Kurds are sticking with 20% of the government

    Admin Assist
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    Sadr and Hakim Ihrjan Abadi .. and Kurds are sticking with 20% of the government Empty Sadr and Hakim Ihrjan Abadi .. and Kurds are sticking with 20% of the government

    Post by Rocky Fri 04 Mar 2016, 2:34 pm

    [size=32]Sadr and Hakim Ihrjan Abadi .. and Kurds are sticking with 20% of the government[/size]

    11:20:00 p.m. 04/03/2016 |(Voice of Iraq) - Baghdad ,Prime Minister Haider al -Abadi speaks and leader ofthe Sadrists and the Supreme Council, both close to form "transient mass" differ from previous alliances sectarian Altkulaidah-, to ensure that anew form of state administration.But the dispute revolves around the formation mechanism ofthis block, and the parties expected to talk to her. Severity of disputes are plaguing theNational Alliance, according to theleaders of blocs attended the last meeting of thepresidencies.And that these differences may turn out to besharply divided.The (long) been revealed, early this March ,, all efforts made ​​byPrime Minister Haider al -Abadi to form aparliamentary bloc transient quotas to facilitate thepass coming his cabinet. The width of theSadrist movement, during themeeting held at the Government Palace Baghdad, attended by all the political blocs, "cross -block" option.He says deputies Hakim bloc that "collecting signatures to form a bloc already begun."They noted that the new alliance would be against Abadi at an advanced stage, if thelatter insisted on conducting "prosthesis reforms."According toparticipants in the meeting, the presidential Abadi made ​​apresentation "is not accurate" to see him for achange ofgovernment is talking about amonth ago. He says deputy attended themeeting that theprime minister "did not provide a new , " and occur globally as usual , a few weeks ago.Reveals MP 'sfear within theNational Alliance to lead the next change is to increase the control of the call on theruling party. In the meantime , a student of theKurds, in themeeting, tokeep the proportion in the government amounting to20% of unchanged.after one day of the meeting, al -Abadi confirmed that he had received positive indications of his call to form a bloc of"fleeting."Some close to the House ofRepresentatives of the prime minister and suggests that " the political majority may be a good option out of thecontroversial change ofgovernment and provides aparliamentary cover for decisions Abadi." But theparties of thestate law ,believes that " the talk of theblock cross only for media consumption, and that everyone is ready toabandon gains in the state. "tension within the Shiite houseand began totension within the National Alliance shows to the surface, when al- Sadr called for , two weeks ago, the Abadi acceptance under thechairmanship ofa committee set up is for theselection of new ministers. and aggravation when al- Sadr came out, last week, a large demonstration in central Baghdad, and threatened green to storm, and it was themeeting between al-Sadr , leader and head ofgovernment ,"vague" did not reveal thedetails until theclose of theleader of theSadrist movement. Inturn, the head of the Supreme Council Ammar al - Hakim, days after the invitation of thePrime Minister and send theresignations ofhis ministers to the last, that "change needs to reasons and evaluation. "Hakim was met with al- Sadr, last Wednesday in the city ofNajaf. Says MP Salim Shawki, amember bloc citizen, said in a telephone statement with the (range) that " the two leaders agreed at that meeting to form transient mass of sectarianism."Salim asserts that " the bloc to be formed Abadi will not weaken , " he added , "will be the new cluster supportive Ebadi if Turn to make real reforms and changes. " But he corrects bysaying , "If theprime minister at that , or thefailure of the prosthesis procedures will the new cluster demanding change it ." The MP for the mass of the citizen that the recent "began theprocess ofgathering signatures now ," adding that " the parties tothe coalition forces and therule of law, and blocks other will join to thenew block. "The aim of thenew cluster, according to amember of al -Hakim block, to" form acoalition parliamentary broad non -partisan or sectarian or nationalist performs radical reforms of legal and comprehensive. " said al -Hakim 's office after hismeeting with al-Sadr that" both sides asking foractivating thework of the House ofRepresentatives and tostrengthen legislative role and oversight ... transnational mass reformist transient components represent aparliamentary majority able to move quick reforms. " He emphasized close todeputies of theprime minister's (range), said thenew bloc does not aim to form a party or bloc compete with the rest of theblocks but came as a result of theCommunity" blocks the pro-reforms Abadi. " He acknowledged the House ofRepresentatives that it needs more time and understandings before revealing that block.Cross the block: the word of themedia , but theMessenger ofAbu Hasna, MP for the rule oflaw, describing talk of cross-sectarian bloc as " the dreams of a rosy talking about blocs leaders in times of crisis." he said Abu Hasna told ( the term) "this speech fordomestic consumption. trenched everyone in his community and his party is not ready to lose thegains to him."in the opinion by state law that "three presidencies meeting supported my words." Noting that "the meeting participants did not agree on everything and the views were different." He criticized thenational coalition led byIyad Allawi, thethree presidencies and the leaders of political blocs , which lasted for more than three -hour meeting.He said Allawi 's coalition ,"we did not find there is any clear perception among theprime minister on construction of the next phase mechanisms or roadmap includes providing realistic solutions to get out of these crises. " The statement added that" thenational and at the meeting found that there are many contradictions between what isdemanded by the Iraqi people and what is being announced by the head of thegovernment. "backstage presidencies meeting Pedroh confirms Hoshyar Abdullah, head of the Kurdish change bloc ,who attended the meeting of the blocs, " theBlur was corrupted Abadi 's position onthe reforms."He said Abdullah, in aninterview with the (range), that " the prime minister did not say anything indetail about achange ofgovernment, only the word of the year his desire to do so. " did not reach the political blocs, so far, an agreement on the format or change its size.He says aKurdish lawmaker , "We do not know also how it will change themechanism, will come head of government ministers to parliament?".He said Hoshyar Abdullah , said that " theNational Alliance seemed opinions aredivided at themeeting, Aftiar Liberals had wanted to cross the block of sectarianism to conduct reforms, and theSupreme Council he had a suspicion of form changes and the party that will set thestandard for ministers of thebench. " thehead of the parliamentary change says that" the parties to the National Alliance fears that the change cover for thecontrol point of a partisan one governing ", referring, apparently, to the fears of monopoly call for office andgovernment ministries Party.In regard to theKurdish position during the last meeting, MP Abdullah says , "We support thechange but our share and ratios ingredients red line that can not be bypassed."He noted that " the proportion of Kurds in thegovernment now is 13%, and according to our percentage Tmthelena in Parliament must be 20%." He stressed Hoshyar Abdullah " theKurds will agree to change the condition tomaintain that ratio." Wael blessing [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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