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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Post by Rocky Sun 22 May 2016, 3:42 am

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    Health denies the existence of black widow tomaintain the health of Diyala province , theDepartment confirmed that it failed to reach conclusive evidence of the Black Widow in theprovince, while the citizens called be cast information under any circumstances the presence of the insect. The media Diyala Health Faris al - Azzawi , Director , said in astatement that " the health department inDiyala formed an ad hoc committee to follow up Spider file black widow after a media news talking about their presence in some areas of the country. " he pointed out that" the Commission have yet to find conclusive evidence of the black widow in Diyala , "stressing that" all the information posted on social networking sites and some of which were coupled with the pictures did not prove his health, "adding that" the Department of Health doors open to citizens; to give any information. " opening Nasiriyah Museum to visitors Commission announced the Tourism and Antiquities in the Dhi Qar, the Heritage Commission has agreed to the opening of Nasiriyah Museum 'sdecision one day of each week. the Chairperson of the Committee generations Moussawi told a news briefing I followed the "long", " the committee received oral approval from the Board of Antiquities and Heritage for the opening of Nasiriyah Museum on Saturday of each week that revenues turn out to museum management in order to develop it ." she added that " the project must be approved by the board of Dhi Qar province to enter into force , "pointing out that" the aim of the project is to make way for the people of the province to visit the museum every Saturday as a day of vacation, where it is difficult for them to visit the days of official working hours. " willingness to reopen the Trebil border announced Directorate border crossing points at the Interior Ministry to complete its preparations for the reopening of the Trebil border crossing with Jordan western Anbar province. he said assistant general manager of ports , Major General Hussein darling, in apress statement seen by the "long", "it was complete preparations logistics and infrastructure to port Trebil, and wait for government approval Central to its opening. " He added that" ports Directorate prepared acomplete plan for the port, after the liberation of the Iraqi army and the crowd to PDF by executors Trebil and newborn pillars , "pointing out that " we are now preparing for the port Alwaleed between Iraq and Syria. "The security forces, on Friday, had liberated the highway down Trebil border to western Anbar province, after being freed last Thursday, Junction Akashat, cut off supplies through Daash based in Anbar.
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