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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Post by Rocky Sun 05 Jun 2016, 3:45 am

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    Dust and temperatures up to 44 CelsiusGeneral Authority for meteorological and seismic monitoring, predicted that a weather next four days Shawwa dusty and temperatures up to 44 Celsius. The authority said in a statement that " the weather all areas on Sunday, it will be Shawwa with some pieces of the clouds and be partly cloudy during the day in the northern region with theopportunity to loss showers light scattered, temperatures approach in the northern region and rise slightly in the central and southern regions from the previous day, and will be the degree of the expected minimum temperature in the city ofBaghdad , 25 m, the projected 44 m and the Great , "noting that" weather Monday, it will be Shawwa with amild dust in all areas. " calls for the implementation of the " chemical agreements " called on the Ministry ofHealth and environment ministries and governmental institutions to cooperate to carry out chemical conventions. a statement of the ministry, for the art dealer Jassim agricultural to say," to all relevant ministries and government institutions coordinate cooperation agreements for the implementation of chemical and compliance with legal obligations as part of the national policy for the sound management of chemical substances and hazardous wastes in Iraq. " He called presided over the National Commission for synergy meeting between representatives of the ministries of chemical conventions in the committee to "provide a mechanism to strengthen the partnership and implementation of chemical policies and the need to provide information support and follow up the implementation of international programs and commitments , " stressing the need to "contribute to the development of national strategic plans for the implementation of theconventions." Destroy 4 tons of "rotten eggs" declared health control Division of the health Department for Wasit adjust the amount of rotten eggs estimated four tons and destruction in the second takes place within one week. A member of the committee splurge on Habib Awfi in an interview with (long - Presse) that "health surveillance teams and in coordination with the intelligence of financial and economic crimes office in thedistrict of the neighborhood seized a car loaded with a quantity of eggs is estimated at 94 fund, the equivalent of nearly three stilted and 800 kg", noting that egg boxes unfit for consumption and does not have aproduction history or run out. "He added Awfi that" those quantities were on their way to local markets and pumped in these days leading up to the month of Ramadan. " claims to fill the water tanks to avoid disconnection announced water Directorate of Babil province to conduct a major campaign to clean up thedrag pipes and treatment of pipettes for projects and pools of water, while the citizens called to fill homes tanks to avoid any forced stoppage may occur as a result of maintenance work. she said the directorate saidin a statement, " the technical staff is a big campaign for cleaning and treatment Mmsat, tubes clouds to projects and pools of water from the plant Achammblan located in the Euphrates and the Shatt al - Hilla andsub-tables , "indicating that" the large number of plant Achammblan adversely affect the performance ofwater parks projects. "she said the Directorate, that" projects and pools of water may be exposed to stop unforced , "asking citizens to" the need for rationalization of water consumption and filling domestic reservoirs in case of any sudden stop. "
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