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    WikiLeaks emails: Clinton Foundation paid male employees more than females in 2011


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    WikiLeaks emails: Clinton Foundation paid male employees more than females in 2011 Empty WikiLeaks emails: Clinton Foundation paid male employees more than females in 2011

    Post by Lobo Sun 23 Oct 2016, 3:44 pm

    WikiLeaks emails: Clinton Foundation paid male employees more than females in 2011
    Oct. 22, 2016 5:58pm Chris Enloe


    The Clinton Foundation in 2011 employed more women than men but paid the women less than men on average, according to documents revealed by WikiLeaks on Friday.
    The information was detailed in an email a foundation employee sent to foundation board chairman Bruce Lindsey and John Podesta, who is currently campaign chairman for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.
    WikiLeaks emails: Clinton Foundation paid male employees more than females in 2011 GettyImages-455924566-1-620x466
    Getty Images/Michael Loccisano
    According to the email, the foundation during that year employed 37 women and 25 men. However, the payroll schedule revealed that men earned an average of $68,164 compared to women who earned $64,118.
    Median salaries also followed the same pattern. The median salary for men was more than $5,000 greater than the women’s — $55,200 to $50,000.
    There was also a large gap between the highest and lowest paid employees. The highest paid, senior advisor Justin Cooper, made $127,000 while the lowest paid was a female assistant, according to LifeZette.
    More from LifeZette:
    It is difficult to determine if the foundation mistreated women, or if the pay gap is due to legitimate reasons. For instance, one high salary like Cooper’s can pull up the male average significantly given the relatively small number of workers. Experience levels and tenure with the foundation also vary.
    Even within the same department, different duties and levels of responsibility can explain why one employee earned more than another. For instance, Marc Dunkelman and Linda Jean-Louis both worked for the COO Department and both had been employed for the same amount of time. But Dunkelman, whose title was senior fellow, earned $41,400 more than Jean-Louis, who was finance manager of the Harlem office.
    In short, there may be perfectly legitimate reasons why men made more than women at the foundation. But Hillary Clinton and her allies often ignore such nuances when they talk about businesses and trot out a misleading statistic showing that women make 77 cents for every dollar earned by men.
    Still, despite the fact that the pay gap may have been for legitimate reasons, Clinton never cites those reasons. The former secretary of state typically argues on the campaign trail that women make less than men for the exact same work, though that doesn’t typically align with reality.
    It was also revealed earlier this year that male executives at the Clinton Foundation made significantly more than their female counterparts — 38 percent — in 2013.
    (H/T: Fox News Insider)

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