BAGHDAD / News Network Iraq discussed the parliamentary legal committee, on Monday proposed reducing the number of members of the House of Representatives and amending election law Mahafezat.ozkr statement of the Department of the media today: " The Legal Committee today held a meeting chaired by MP Mohsen al - Sadoun Chairman of the Committee and the presence of its members to discuss its agenda and attended MP Hamid vegetative meeting ".onaakec meeting , according to the statement , " the proposals submitted by the MP Hamid vegetation and to amendthe provincial elections law , inter alia, called for by MP vegetative expedite the provision of the law to read because of the proximity to hold provincial elections and not to decide the issue be postponed or not so far . " . for his part stressed Sadoun , " the keenness of the legal Committee to study the proposals submitted by the MP Hamid vegetation and mature the ideas and proposals to reach an appropriate formula . " on the other hand , the Commission decided to "show a proposed cancellation of the dissolved Revolutionary command Council resolution No. 180 of 1977 , the law inthe upcoming Council meetings to read the second reading , " the statement He pointed to" the continuation of the legal committee to discuss other listed laws on its agenda , including modifyingthe provincial elections law and the draft general prosecutor Bill and the Federal Court Bill and the Supreme Judicial Council , the law to be presented to schedule the next meetings of the Council " is noteworthy that Prime House Saleem al - Jubouri, referred to the parliamentary session held on October 22 last parliament proposed reducing the number of members of parliament to the Committee on constitutional amendments Algnapeh.oukdm Prime citizen bloc Hamid vegetative proposal to amend Article [49 / I] of the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq in 2005.otns Article 49 / I of the Constitution: the House of Representatives is made up of a number of members at a proportion of one seat for every one hundred thousand people from the population of Iraq , representing the entire Iraqi people, who are elected by way of direct , secret ballot, and take care to represent all groups of people. "