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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Territories representative: "Council of Union" will protect the new powers for provinces

    Interacting Investor
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    Territories representative: "Council of Union" will protect the new powers for provinces Empty Territories representative: "Council of Union" will protect the new powers for provinces

    Post by lonelyintexas Mon 15 Jul 2013, 12:41 pm

    Territories representative: "Council of Union" will protect the new powers for provinces

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    Baghdad Mohammad Sabah

    Stepping quickly toward the House of formation of the Federation Council, which includes representatives of the provinces and has wide powers to veto and cancel any decision of the Government or Parliament to the detriment of the interests of the provinces, which will promote the decentralization of the country, as they said that Congress will protect the vast economic and administrative powers and new security approved by Parliament for local governments.

    Member of Committee of the regions representative Nabil harpo in an interview with the "range" the political blocs to vote on the law of the Federation Council, before the end of Ramadan, noting that its ongoing discussion draft of this law in accordance with the legal Committee.

    "The powers of this Council is to monitor all legislation from the House as well as the power to veto some decisions aimed at weakening powers of the provinces", adding that "filter out all laws passed by the lower House and has the right to pass these laws and one to the Council again."

    Harpo said that members of this Council be selected by elections to them as is the case for the selection of members of provincial Parliament ", pointing out that the number be constant representing each province four members but the number Baghdad has not been reached because some want to eight or six being the capital and major cities". He noted that "there is a request filed by Christian and Sabean walaizidih components for the right candidate in theCouncil," he said, adding that the total number of this Board so far 72 while resolving a number of Baghdad Province and Kuta minorities did not consider their house.

    "The members of the Federation Council allotments and the privileges and immunity of Member of the House of representatives", stating that "there is a proposal by some political blocs to allow slicing 50% of MPs and former Ministers and general managers and advisers and 50% for other citizens."

    He is a member of the parliamentary legal Committee, Abdul Rahman will resort to "range" that his Committee had agreed with the Presidency Council after taking the opinion of the Federal Court on this law for first and second reading and then vote by two thirds of the members of the Council, the Parliament decided to proceed with the legislation and then vote on that two-thirds of the members of the Council.

    To the West, Abdullah said the other Member in the Committee of the regions on "the parliamentary term" that "the task of monitoring the work of the Federation Council, deputies of the provincial budget, and therefore has the right to attend House sessions and entitled to vote, but only debate, as speaker of the House of representatives has the right to invite the Council of the Federation to discuss important laws which privacy."

    And of the powers of the Board the Board has revealed Western veto some laws it deems unsuitable and returned to the Council if the House could vote by two thirds of the members of this law in force and cannot be challenged. " He pointed out that "the Presidency of the House of representatives decided to draft this law introduced for second reading after reading his first was the electoral cycle", stressing that "this Council's decisions are binding on the legislative and executive authorities it will force the Government to implement laws passed by the Parliament through the monitoring of the work of the Government by the new legislation, but it cannot pass laws.

    The Federal Court was appealed by the Union Council Bill last year when Parliament decided to initiate legislation, the Court attributed the reason to the article 137 of the Constitution, which stipulates "delay the provisions of the articles of Federation Council throughout this Constitution pending a resolution of the House of representatives by a two-thirds majority, after the first session after the entry into force of this Constitution".

    While article 56 of the Constitution stipulates that "the Legislative Council is created, called the Federation Council, comprised of representatives of the regions and governorates that are not organized in a region, and regulates the composition, conditions of membership, terms of reference, and everything related to it, the law enacted by a two-thirds majority of the members of the House of representatives."

    The Federal Chamber of Deputies recommended the observance of constitutional articles and ordered him to issue the decision refers to usher in preparation for setting up the Federal Council Act with the consent of two thirds of its members and then to the first and second reading and then vote by two thirds of the members and it was months before the current year.

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