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    Peasant associations demanded to deter the smuggling of vegetables

    Admin Assist
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     Peasant associations demanded to deter the smuggling of vegetables Empty Peasant associations demanded to deter the smuggling of vegetables

    Post by Rocky Tue 13 Jun 2017, 1:21 am

    Peasant associations demanded to deter the smuggling of vegetables

     Baghdad / term

    Union announced the cooperative peasant associations, on Monday, some vegetables and fruits are prohibited from entering import through pure control, pointing out that these imports are threatening Iraq 's agricultural sector and the standard of living for farmers.
    And it prevented the Ministry of Agriculture, the entry of some vegetables and fruits from these outlets, which they enter as a local producer. Said President of the Union Haider Abdul Wahid al - Abadi said in a statement received (range), a copy of it that "some vegetables and fruits are prohibited from import by the Ministry of Agriculture entering Iraq through through Kurdistan and the control of the pure , " he said, adding that "these imports caused a decline in domestic product prices."
    He called Abadi , the Ministry of the Interior to "prevent the entry of these imported fruits and vegetables that are threatening Iraq 's agricultural sector and the standard of living for farmers." The suffering of protected cultivation in the country, many obstacles, what prompted many farmers to import some agricultural crops from neighboring countries.
    The head of the General Federation of associations of agricultural cooperative in Iraq, that "the most important obstacles to benefit from protected agriculture in Iraq is limited to one growing season, creating an imbalance in the agricultural cycle , which are segmented into two parts, winter and summer season."
    He adds Abadi, that "not having a glass or plastic houses as a result of air - conditioned non - electrical energy - saving and exorbitant amounts in the case of the provision of farm generators, in addition to the consumption of kerosene, it led to the need to import summer crops from outside the country." The head of the Federation of peasant associations and the Ministry of Agriculture to "provide appropriate agricultural techniques for the process and reduce the wages of electricity to farmers to provide a complete agricultural cycle and supplying the local market of different agricultural products." The agricultural sector in Iraq has not received interest successive Iraqi governments, although there are encouraging factors , human, climatic, financial and technical, this neglect has led to the deterioration of the local level of agricultural production, and Iraq 's transition from an agricultural country producer and exporter, to the consumer and importer of agricultural products , the various from neighboring countries.

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