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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    (CB) Delegation of the federal government headed by Alalak arrives in Erbil

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    (CB)  Delegation of the federal government headed by Alalak arrives in Erbil Empty (CB) Delegation of the federal government headed by Alalak arrives in Erbil

    Post by Rocky Sun 11 Mar 2018, 2:50 pm

    Delegation of the federal government headed by Alalak arrives in Erbil
    March 11 2018 10:31 PM
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    [rtl][rtl]Erbil Airport[/rtl]
    Baghdad Post

    A delegation from the federal government arrived Sunday, headed by the governor of the Central Bank Ali al-Alak to Erbil to discuss financial files with the provincial government. 

    A source said that a delegation of the federal government headed by the governor of the Central Bank Ali al-Aql arrived in Erbil, indicating that the delegation was received by the Minister of Finance of the region, Rebaz Helman. 

    The source added that the delegation is scheduled to discuss financial files and issues related to imports and the work of the salary audit committees with officials of the Kurdistan region.

    The alliance of democracy and justice, confirmed in (9 March 2018), that Prime Minister Haider Abadi pledged to the President of the Alliance Barham Saleh to send salaries of officials of the ministries of education and health in the Kurdistan region soon, indicating that Abadi confirmed that international flights to airports in the region will resume before Noroz. 

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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    (CB)  Delegation of the federal government headed by Alalak arrives in Erbil Empty Alaq from Erbil: The delegation of the federal government is working on coordination with the region

    Post by Rocky Mon 12 Mar 2018, 9:12 am

    Alaq from Erbil: The delegation of the federal government is working on coordination with the region to unify taxes

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    The governor of the Central Bank of Iraq Ali Alak, on Monday, that the delegation of the federal government, which is visiting Erbil is currently working on coordination with the Kurdistan region to consolidate taxes, while confirmed the readiness of the bank's branch in Kurdistan to pay the salaries of employees in the event of an order from Prime Minister Haider Abadi.
    Alaq said in a press conference held in Erbil and attended by "Economy News", "The visit of the delegation of the federal government Erbil aims to meet with the Minister of Finance of the Kurdistan region to coordinate on the collection of taxes and standardization and remove problems in this area," noting that "the delegation works to activate the role of the bank Central in the Kurdistan region. "
    "We are working to reach an agreement on this issue tomorrow to facilitate banking operations in the Kurdistan region," he said, adding that "the central bank branch in the region is ready to pay the salaries of employees in the event of an order from the Prime Minister (Haider Abadi)."
    A delegation from the federal government, headed by the governor of the Central Bank of Iraq Ali Alaak, on Sunday, to Erbil to discuss financial files with the Kurdistan Regional Government.

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