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    Haj: Egypt and Jordan are trying to drag Iraq towards normalization with the Zionist entity

    Admin Assist
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    Haj: Egypt and Jordan are trying to drag Iraq towards normalization with the Zionist entity Empty Haj: Egypt and Jordan are trying to drag Iraq towards normalization with the Zionist entity

    Post by Rocky Mon 25 Mar 2019, 1:29 am

    Haj: Egypt and Jordan are trying to drag Iraq towards normalization with the Zionist entity

    20:17 - 24/03/2019

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    Information / Special ...
    Political analyst Kazem al-Hajj said Sunday that the recent economic opening towards Iraq by Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia is an attempt to drag the Iraqi government into a major regional project aimed at normalization with the Zionist entity, while the current economic agreements will make Iraq a market for consumer goods only.
    "Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan are among the countries closest to the Zionist entity because they are associated with great relations and are seeking to achieve its objectives and the goals of the American administration in the region," Haj said in a statement to Al-Maaloumah. "Egypt and Jordan are trying to drag Iraq into normalization with the Zionist entity through Economic agreements and the tripartite summit ".
    He added that "Egypt and Jordan plan to involve the Iraqi government to normalize its relationship with Israel through the economic summits and exploitation of the investment side," noting that "the recent economic agreements between Iraq and Jordan are not in the interest of the Iraqi economy but a plan to make Iraq a market for consumer goods only."
    The representative of the Committee on Economy and Investment Parliamentary Charter Hamdi had indicated earlier that the Jordan agreement signed with US pressure on Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi to pass goods, "Israel" to Iraq, while confirmed that the agreement with Jordan will cause the destruction of the domestic productive sector and Iraqi ports.
    The Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, has arrived, earlier on Saturday, to Cairo on his first foreign visit since taking office, while his office said the media would include a three-way summit, including Abdul Mahdi and King Abdullah II of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan And the Egyptian President to hold talks to develop relations and cooperation in all fields that serve the interests of brotherly peoples and countries

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