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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The giant hammer arrives at the port of Al-Faw .. this is its job {photos}

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The giant hammer arrives at the port of Al-Faw .. this is its job {photos} Empty The giant hammer arrives at the port of Al-Faw .. this is its job {photos}

    Post by Rocky Mon May 31, 2021 8:25 am

    The giant hammer arrives at the port of Al-Faw .. this is its job {photos}

    •  Time: 05/31/2021 01:05:16
    •  Read: 6,032 times

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    {Local: Al Furat News} The Ports Company of the Ministry of Transport announced the arrival of a gigantic hammer to hammer the five pillars of the piers in the large port of Al-Faw overlooking the Gulf in the far south of Basra Governorate.
    Al-Mukhtasar al-Mufid .. In important news, you can find it on the Al Furat News channel on the Telegram .. [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    The company said that this hammer is one of a total of three hammers purchased by the Korean company Daewoo, which is implementing the project.
    It is noteworthy that Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi visited Basra Governorate on April 11 last year and laid the foundation stone for the large Faw port project {the five contracts}, which includes {the five container berths, filling the container yard, digging the internal navigation channel, digging and furnishing the external navigation channel. Khor Al-Zubair Canal Tunnel, the highway linking the port of Al-Faw and Umm Qasr}.
    On May 8, the implementation of the five berths in the project was launched, with work continuing to build its foundations and the container storage yard for the country's next most important economic project.

    Ammar Al-Masoudi
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