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    Will health insurance cover all citizens and hospitals? Parliamentary Health answers

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Will health insurance cover all citizens and hospitals? Parliamentary Health answers Empty Will health insurance cover all citizens and hospitals? Parliamentary Health answers

    Post by Rocky Tue 25 Jun 2024, 7:13 am

    Will health insurance cover all citizens and hospitals? Parliamentary Health answers
    • Time: 06/25/2024 13:15:16
    • Read: 897 times

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    {Politics: Al-Furat News} The Parliamentary Health Committee clarified today, Tuesday, that the health insurance law does not include health centers, pointing out that we have some hospitals that entered the health system with institutions in a group of governorates and did not enter Baghdad, and in the future it is possible to seek help from institutions in Holy Karbala. Such as institutions of the holy shrines
    Majid Shankali, a member of the Parliamentary Health Committee, told Al-Furat News Agency: “Health insurance does not include health centers. It includes the presence of doctors in a sufficient number and is divided into family doctors. The approved global number for one doctor is 750 families to 1,000 families, and we are now in the process of providing a sufficient number of doctors.” There was no activation of the referral system from doctors to institutions covered by health insurance, in addition to activating the optional health insurance.” 
    He added, "All citizens are covered by this system, achieving justice, social equality, and comprehensive coverage for those insured. We are now in the process of providing sufficient financial amounts, and optional health insurance may be resorted to with institutions." 
    He continued, "We seemed late, but we have the ingredients to make it successful and we are working to start it gradually or optionally. We have some hospitals that have entered the health system with institutions in a group of governorates but did not enter Baghdad. In the future, we can seek help from institutions in Holy Karbala, such as institutions of the Holy Shrines." 
    Parliament approved the Health Insurance Law in October 2020, which includes 12 chapters and 44 articles, with the obligation to implement it within 6 months after its approval in February 2021 by former President Barham Salih.
    From.. Ragheed
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