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    Intensive US aircraft flights in the areas of the Iraqi-Syrian border strip

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Intensive US aircraft flights in the areas of the Iraqi-Syrian border strip Empty Intensive US aircraft flights in the areas of the Iraqi-Syrian border strip

    Post by Rocky Mon 24 Jun 2024, 6:51 am

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    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    [size=52]Intensive US aircraft flights in the areas of the Iraqi-Syrian border strip[/size]
    • June 23 23:30

    Information / Anbar..
    A security source in Anbar Governorate reported, on Sunday, that heavy US aircraft flights had been recorded over the border areas with Syria, west of Anbar.
    The source said in a statement to Al-Maalouma Agency: “American aircraft flew heavily over the areas of the Al-Qaim crossing, west of Anbar, towards the Syrian interior areas, without knowing the reasons for the flight, which coincided with the imposition of strict security measures on the Syrian Al-Assad and Al-Tanf bases.”
    He added, "The security leaders supervising the security file in Anbar do not have any information about the nature of the reasons for the American aircraft's overflights over the targeted areas, but they suggested that this reconnaissance was likely to be a prelude to a new American aggression whose goals are not yet known."
    He stated that "all Anbar cities towards the three border crossings are safe and stable and have not witnessed any security breach thanks to the security deployment of military units and Popular Mobilization Forces," stressing that "reconnaissance operations included areas that had not previously been subjected to overflight operations by American aircraft. Ended / 12A
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