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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    In Cooperation With The French Total.. Basra Oil Launches A Project To Invest Associated Gas In The

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    In Cooperation With The French Total.. Basra Oil Launches A Project To Invest Associated Gas In The  Empty In Cooperation With The French Total.. Basra Oil Launches A Project To Invest Associated Gas In The

    Post by Rocky Mon 13 Mar 2023, 6:28 am

    In Cooperation With The French Total.. Basra Oil Launches A Project To Invest Associated Gas In The Artawi Fields

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    Earth News / The Basra Oil Company announced today, Monday, the launch of an integrated project to invest the burned part of the associated gas in the fields of Basra, about a year and a half after contracting with the French company Total.
    Basra Oil Director Bassem Abdul Karim said in a press statement, followed by Earth News Agency, that “discussions with the French company Total Energies have reached a draft agreement to invest 600 million cubic meters of associated gas in the Artawi fields, west of Qurna 2, as well as the Sobh, Al-Luhais, Al-Tuba north of Basra, in addition to the giant Majnoon field east of Basra, in two phases, each phase includes 300 pumps.
    He explained that the ministry “contracted with the French Total Energies on May 9, 2021, at a value of $27 billion, to implement four projects in the field of gas and electric power. Oil and the production of an amount of condensate estimated at 12,000 barrels per day and the production of an amount of LPG liquefied gas estimated at 3,000 tons per day for the local market.
    And Abdul Karim indicated that “his company went to attract independent investments from the licensing rounds in the Nahr Omar field in Al-Deir district, north of Basra, through international companies, to enter into a competition to invest the gas burnt in the field in quantities amounting to 100-150 million standard cubic feet (mqmq) per day.”
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      Current date/time is Mon 09 Sep 2024, 4:15 pm