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    Tariq Harb: constitutionally permissible to vote on the defense and interior ministers collectively

    Admin Assist
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    Tariq Harb: constitutionally permissible to vote on the defense and interior ministers collectively  Empty Tariq Harb: constitutionally permissible to vote on the defense and interior ministers collectively

    Post by Rocky Tue 07 Oct 2014, 5:59 am

    Tariq Harb: constitutionally permissible to vote on the defense and interior ministers collectively 

    (Independent) .. He said legal expert Tareq Harb may constitutionally parliamentary vote on the Minister of Interior and Minister of Defense collectively any in one basket and one vote. 
    explained war that the constitution and rules of procedure stipulated voting individually any there be a vote for each minister separately in the case of a candidate for the post of prime minister when the formation of the government just did not require the constitution and rules of procedure in other cases in accordance with the provisions of Article 76 of the Constitution and Article 49 of the Rules of Procedure of the House of Representatives and this is what happened a few days ago in the parliament session, which grants exhalation where the confidence of the government where voting was individually minister. 
    He now which provides the names of Ministers is the Prime Minister and not the candidate-designate to form a government as well as the subject now, is not to form a government, but for adding new ministers to the government was formed so there is no requirement of the Constitution and the rules of voting solo no vote on each name separately for ministers who join government after its formation as a state and the defense and interior ministers. 
    pointed to the existence of precedents parliamentary vote collectively rather than individually, as happened when the vote on the Vice President Nuri al-Maliki and Iyad Allawi, Osama al-Nujaifi, and, as happened in 2008 where he took Parliament to vote collectively on the 3 laws once the law provinces, and the General Amnesty Law, and the Law on the budget. 
    promised war this constitutional interpretation reduces the severity of disputes policy on candidates first, as it represents a response to the need for urgent and pressing for the existence of these two ministers Secondly, there is no where to move away from the provisions of the constitution and rules of procedure. (end)

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