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    President Rashid: The great security success in Iraq helps improve foreign relations

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    President Rashid: The great security success in Iraq helps improve foreign relations Empty President Rashid: The great security success in Iraq helps improve foreign relations

    Post by Rocky Sat 04 Nov 2023, 4:33 am

    President Rashid: The great security success in Iraq helps improve foreign relations
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today
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    Baghdad today - Baghdad 
    The President of the Republic, Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid, confirmed today, Saturday (November 4, 2023), that Iraq has achieved important developments in the field of diplomatic relations with various countries over the past years. 
    President Rashid said in a speech during the "Iraqi Ambassadors Conference", followed by "Baghdad Today": "We succeeded in overcoming the decline in diplomatic, political and economic relations with many countries that occurred due to the rule of dictatorship." 
    He pointed out that "the government program emphasizes attention to our relations with the countries of the world," noting that "the Presidency of the Republic and the government worked carefully and carefully to distance the country from the policies of the axes." 
    He explained that "Iraq today is no longer a source of threat to any party as it was in the dictatorial era," noting that "Iraq is no longer a source of crises."
    The President of the Republic stressed that "Iraq's foreign policy is based on the foundations of cooperation to overcome crises through constructive dialogue and by giving priority to common interests," noting that "what helps to improve relations now is the great success achieved in the security situation and the keenness shown by the government in order to achieve an attractive environment for investment."
    The Iraq Ambassadors Conference kicked off today, Saturday, in its seventh edition under the title “Iraqi Diplomacy, Balanced International Relations and Sustainable Economic Development,” with the participation of (85) Iraqi ambassadors and heads of Iraqi political and consular missions abroad. It will present a developed agenda for Iraqi diplomacy, which will be reflected in more attendees. And the effectiveness of foreign policy, activating Iraq’s role in Arab, regional and international organizations and strengthening relations with countries based on the principle of mutual respect and achieving common interests, according to a statement by the Iraqi Foreign Ministry.
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