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    Kirkuk responds to the Sudanese initiative to form its local government - Urgent

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    Kirkuk responds to the Sudanese initiative to form its local government - Urgent Empty Kirkuk responds to the Sudanese initiative to form its local government - Urgent

    Post by Rocky Sat 24 Feb 2024, 4:33 am

    Kirkuk responds to the Sudanese initiative to form its local government - Urgent
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today, 
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    Baghdad today - Kirkuk 
    Today, Saturday (February 24, 2024), the coordinator of the Arab Opinion Committee in Kirkuk, Nazem Al-Shammari, described the initiative of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani to head a coalition to administer Kirkuk Governorate until all parties agree to form its local government as “very important.”
    Al-Shammari said in an interview with “Baghdad Today” that “the Sudanese initiative is the ideal solution to get out of the bottleneck in which Kirkuk Governorate has been placed,” pointing out that “the political forces in the governorate from all components are required to sit at the dialogue table under the roof of the constitution and Iraqi Kirkuk and agree to form A unified administration whose primary goal is to provide the best services to all areas of the governorate.”
    He pointed out that "the political forces must continue the reconstruction campaign, fight corruption, and strive to maintain the stability and security of the governorate, which was achieved thanks to the law enforcement process since 2017."
    Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani agreed with the political forces in Kirkuk Governorate, whose administration is disputed between the governments of Baghdad and Erbil, to form a unified management coalition that includes the winning forces in the recent elections, which paves the way for the formation of the local government, while the coalition will remain under the presidency of Al-Sudani until the file is resolved.
    On Wednesday evening (February 21 of this year), Al-Sudani sponsored a meeting with representatives of the political forces that won the provincial council elections, under the vision of a national initiative to form a local government there, in accordance with the entitlement produced by the election results, to agree on an economic service program that is compatible with the governmental program that the central government is working on. .
    Al-Sudani pointed out - according to a statement from his office received by “Baghdad Today” - that “Kirkuk enjoys a special status, which represents a concern for all national forces working to support social cohesion, brotherhood and stability in it, just as it requires everyone to make sincere efforts to improve services and economic conditions in the governorate, in a manner befitting its components.” ".
    He added, "The local elections in Kirkuk, which have been stalled since 2005, have been completed, with the efforts and solidarity of everyone, and have witnessed wide participation compared to the rest of the provinces. This is a milestone that the government is proud of as a commitment within its program," and he said, "The participants came out with an agreement of principles, in order to proceed with the formation of the government." Local in the Iraqi governorate.
    The statement explained, "The agreement referred to the importance of Kirkuk Governorate, as a miniature Iraq, so that the interests of the people of Kirkuk are taken into account, the preservation of coexistence, and the strengthening of the bonds of brotherhood and cooperation among its people, and that the constitution be the umbrella under which everyone takes refuge, and that the approach of partnership, consensus, and non-exclusion be the basis." For joint work in Kirkuk Governorate.
    The attendees also agreed to "consensus to form a Kirkuk administration coalition from all the winning forces in the Provincial Council, and it will be its political umbrella, and that the Iraqi Prime Minister will chair the coalition sessions until the implementation of the constitutional entitlements in forming the local government, and agreement on the program, its mechanism, and the internal regulations of the coalition, and the preparation of ( The local administration program in Kirkuk is adopted by the coalition to be formed, the coalition forces are committed to it, and the new administration in the governorate adopts its implementation according to clear and practical mechanisms and timings.”
    The statement indicated that it was agreed that "the Iraqi political forces participating in the meeting will submit working papers within seven days, including their vision of preparing an integrated program for Kirkuk Governorate and the appropriate mechanisms for forming the local government there."
    Al-Sudani’s intervention came after the new local government in the governorate failed several times to hold the first session of the council, due to the forces not resolving the issue of key positions in the governorate, especially the position of governor, which is held by the three main components with a complex demographic structure.
    The convergence in the number of seats obtained by the components in the new council was what complicated the possibility of agreeing on a single position, as none of them had the majority that would qualify them to win the position of governor.
    The Kurdish component obtained seven seats, five of which were for the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan Party, two seats for the Kurdistan Democratic Party, six seats for the Arab lists, and one seat (quota) for the Christian component represented by the Babylon Movement, while in the last elections the Turkmen only obtained two seats out of the sixteen seats forming the Kirkuk Provincial Council. .
    The political forces conducted dialogues and communications in an attempt to reach a common vision, but these and other meetings did not lead to any significant results.
    This comes at a time when most of Iraq's governorates, except Diyala, have completed the right to name their local governments, according to sectarian and party quotas, as influential forces have taken over key positions, such as the head of the provincial council and the governor.
    Kirkuk witnessed the highest participation rates in Iraq in the provincial council elections, which took place on January 18, reaching 69 percent.
    After the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, Kirkuk witnessed only one local election in 2005, which was a source of controversy among the components of the governorate, which is inhabited by a mixture of Arabs, Turkmen, and Kurds, in addition to a Christian minority.
    Kirkuk is the second richest city in Iraq in terms of oil, after Basra, whose administration is disputed between Baghdad and Erbil within what was known after the American invasion of Iraq as Article 140 of the Constitution that was approved in 2005, which stipulates holding a referendum for its residents, giving them the choice between staying with Baghdad or joining the region. Kurdstan Iraq. 
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