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    Kurdistan's elections are "afflicted with a curse"... How do judicial decisions solve a crisis and i

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    Kurdistan's elections are "afflicted with a curse"... How do judicial decisions solve a crisis and i Empty Kurdistan's elections are "afflicted with a curse"... How do judicial decisions solve a crisis and i

    Post by Rocky Sat May 25, 2024 8:29 pm

    Kurdistan's elections are "afflicted with a curse"... How do judicial decisions solve a crisis and ignite additional crises?
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today
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    Baghdad today - Erbil
    The Christian political forces in the governorates of the Kurdistan region are preparing to go to the Federal Supreme Court in a new appeal and lawsuit that may delay the Kurdistan elections for an additional period, with the continuation of judicial decisions that, once they address one crisis, cause another crisis.
    Since the Federal Supreme Court ruled to cancel 11 seats in the Kurdistan Parliament allocated to the minority quota, the Independent High Electoral Commission has distributed the seats to the governorates in a way that does not include the allocation of seats for minorities completely, which prompted the political forces from the minority components to appeal to the judicial authority for elections. The Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Masrour Barzani, appeared before the Federal Court on the same subject, which led to the issuance of a state order halting the Commission’s procedures until the case is resolved.
    However, the judicial body responsible for the elections issued a decision on the same subject against the Commission’s procedures, obligating it to allocate 5 seats to minorities, 2 in Sulaymaniyah, 2 in Erbil, and 1 in Dohuk. After that, the Federal Court dismissed the case and canceled the state’s order due to the issuance of a decision by the judicial body and settled the matter. .
    However, it seems that the matter has not been resolved, as allocating 5 seats to minorities only, and distributing them to the governorates according to criteria that do not match the presence of minorities, has ignited a new crisis, as the presence of Christians in Dohuk and Erbil is equivalent to more than 100 times the Christians present in Sulaymaniyah, and despite this Erbil was given seats equal to Sulaymaniyah, and Dohuk was given fewer seats than Sulaymaniyah.  
    A member of the Assyrian Alliance in the Kurdistan region, Yass Hanna, expressed today, Saturday (May 25, 2024), the Christian component’s objection to the distribution of seats in the Kurdistan Parliament according to the new decision, saying in an interview with “Baghdad Today” that “the distribution lacked justice and was not fair at all.” Since the Christians were entitled to more than five valuable seats, only 3 seats were allocated to them.”
    He added, "The distribution among the governorates was not fair, as Sulaymaniyah was given two seats, including one for the Turkmen. The truth is that the Christian component is more widespread in Erbil and then Dohuk," indicating that "we will file a lawsuit with the Federal Court regarding the fair distribution and increasing the number of seats."
    It turns out that the Christians were given 3 seats, one seat for the Turkmen and another for the Yazidis perhaps, while Christ alone demands 5 seats. Also, the distribution of seats was based on the number of population in each governorate, which is something that the Christian blocs mocked, considering that the distribution of seats should be done according to a number. Christians or minorities in each governorate, not the Muslim population.
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      Current date/time is Wed Jun 26, 2024 8:13 pm