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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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    Top 20 Prepping and Survival Sites


    Posts : 28411
    Join date : 2013-01-12

    Top 20 Prepping and Survival Sites Empty Top 20 Prepping and Survival Sites

    Post by Lobo Fri 01 Jan 2016, 7:24 pm

    Top 20 Prepping and Survival Sites

    Tess Pennington
    Ready Nutrition

    Looking back on 2015, I feel very fortunate; with all the insane events that transpired, we were still given more time to prep and get ready. It gave me a chance to remember some of my earlier lessons I learned when I began prepping and ultimately, helped me remember how important it is to stay alert and hopeful in dire circumstances. It seems that each year brings new emergencies and events that cause many of us to go into panic mode (Need I bring up the Ebola scare of 2014 or the buckling economy in September of this year?).

    All the while these events were evoking fear and trepidation, there were prepping and survival websites weighing the information and providing solutions to help their common man better prepare. This is why I love the prepping and survival community so very much. Rather than going about their daily lives, the editors of these websites are tirelessly putting forth effort to provide the much-needed answers to help the layman get through these harder times. As Mike Snyder from The Economic Collapse blog points out, the general public needs all the help they can get.

    And sadly, the truth of the matter is that most Americans are not prepared for much of anything at this point. The following statistics come from a survey conducted by the Adelphi Center for Health Innovation. As you can see, a substantial portion of the population is not even prepared for a basic emergency that would last for just a few days…

    44 percent don’t have first-aid kits
    48 percent lack emergency supplies
    53 percent do not have a minimum three-day supply of nonperishable food and water at home
    55 percent believe local authorities will come to their rescue if disaster strikes
    52 percent have not designated a family meeting place if they are separated during an emergency
    42 percent do not know the phone numbers of all of their immediate family members
    21 percent don’t know if their workplace has an emergency preparedness plan
    37 percent do not have a list of the drugs they are taking
    52 percent do not have copies of health insurance documents

    Survival and prepping have come a long way since I first started Ready Nutrition. In that time a lot of websites have been created, but there are some who stand out. I wanted to take the time to showcase some of my favorite prepper and survival sites that I go to regularly. I respect these sites because, as I said earlier, writing about preparedness and survival takes a lot of time and effort and they set the bar high when it comes to quality content. As well, this list is also my way of thanking these websites for their hard work. As many of them know the thank you’s for all they do are few and far between in this line of work. In no particular order, these are some of my top picks for the best prepper sites out there.

    Graywolf Survival
    The Survivalist Blog
    Survival Blog
    Prepper Website
    The Organic Prepper
    The Economic Collapse Blog
    Natural News
    The Daily Sheeple
    SHTF Plan
    Backdoor Survival
    Survival Sherpa
    Survival Mom
    SHTF School
    The Prepper Journal
    Off the Grid News
    Survival Life
    Doom and Bloom
    Offgrid Survival
    Survival At Home

      Current date/time is Mon 16 Sep 2024, 8:04 pm