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    Tai exclude quorum parliamentary sessions is completed

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Tai exclude quorum parliamentary sessions is completed Empty Tai exclude quorum parliamentary sessions is completed

    Post by Rocky Sun 08 May 2016, 5:04 am

    Tai exclude quorum parliamentary sessions is completed

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    Front confirmed Reform member Mohammed al-Tai said his forehead suspended its presence in parliamentary sessions, a conditional suspension of the quota system to reject the formation of a government.
    Tai said in a statement Sama Baghdad to attend the Front reform also holds another requirement for the results of the Federal Court, where the MILF has objected to the constitutionality of the House of Representatives session.
    He pointed out that the right of the Kurdistan Alliance suspend attending the protest at what recently happened to them as the rest of the MPs who raise some complaints against the prime minister as the leader of the armed forces and was directly responsible for the security of the House of Representatives and the security of its members as well, thus it is difficult to meet all of these parties in one place easily.
    He ruled that Tai can the House of Representatives held its meeting next Tuesday because of the difficulty of quorum no matter how I tried to move the political blocs on each other.
    It is said that the Presidency of the Council of Representatives, decided last Saturday to postpone the parliamentary session until Tuesday of this week.
    To media sources, "it reported the delay was due to lack of quorum to take place."

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