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    Experts criticize the privatization of electricity: the industrial sector first victims

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    Experts criticize the privatization of electricity: the industrial sector first victims Empty Experts criticize the privatization of electricity: the industrial sector first victims

    Post by Rocky Sat 21 Jan 2017, 1:45 am

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    Experts criticize the privatization of electricity: the industrial sector first victims

     Dhi Qar / long-Presse 

    Provincial Council rejected the decision of Dhi Qar , central and local governments to privatize the electricity sector. In the meantime , specialists stressed that the privatization of electricity will increase the suffering of the industrial sector due to high pricing. 

    Said Hassan al - Waeli, Chairman of the Committee on Culture and Information in the province of Dhi Qar (long - Presse) that " the provincial council voted during its regular meeting held under the chairmanship of President of the Council , Hamid Gazan, to reject a project to privatize the electricity sector in the province and that after viewing a report by the Electricity Commission in the Council on the said project , "noting that" the rejection decision was unanimous , where all members voice meeting participants totaling 20 members. " 
    He Waeli that " the provincial council , said the investment in the electricity sector a kind of privatization in the sector which adds a financial burden to burden citizens , " calling on the central government to "provide the required services to citizens and not to load extra expenses." 
    The speaker of the Council of Dhi Qar , the central government and the Ministry of Electricity to "Do not download citizens the consequences of administrative failure during the previous years." 
    It was the governor of Dhi Qar Yahya Naciri said at a news conference last month, said that " the local government and the Committee on Energy represented Bedoha Hussein al - Awadi , the director of South Electricity distribution and representative of the Chinese Himalayan company examined the ministerial project to take over the Himalayan Chinese investment firm to the Gaza electricity distribution in the province after the project has been applied in Baghdad and other provinces. " 
    He pointed out that the Nazarene " The project aims to secure the DC electricity to all citizens without interruption to take into account the different areas, especially low - income , " pointing out that " the ministerial project will be applied in specific residential areas within the first phase." 
    In the meantime, the Ministry of Electricity said, in a statement received (range) a copy of it, that "investment in the power distribution experience proved to rationalize consumption by more than 30 percent of current consumption in all provinces in the country." 
    The ministry noted that " the support given by the Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi in this direction stems from a historical responsibility and government directives for economic reform and the preservation of wealth in Iraq, so as to ensure future generations, and to ensure that processing power continuously, stable and sustainable . " He added electricity a statement that "commitment the provinces and the support of the governors and chairmen and members of the provincial councils to invest in the power distribution sector project reflects positively on a large dam electrical energy needs for low - income and affordable, as well as the revitalization of the agricultural and industrial programs in their provinces. " 
    Ministry said , "From this point the ministry is striving to create alternatives to resolve the crisis and end the Aldhaiat in the national electricity system through the follow - up to the sale of energy and unify the party payment achieved by investing in power distribution project." 
    The Ministry of Electricity that " the success stories that have been made in many areas of Baghdad after the implementation of this project which proved this through the satisfaction of the citizens for the continuity of processing and reduced costs and an end to dealing with private generators and reduce malfunctions and Aldhaiat to achieve a continuous and stable electric power." 
    The ministry urged local governments to "exert maximum effort to activate the project in their districts and to facilitate the implementation process to ensure that the citizens of the provinces and processing , especially with the ongoing power low - income and at the lowest cost and before the next summer season." 
    In a related context, Mustafa Rahim, owner of Gulf waters lab's said (range) that " the application of new rates will stop most of the plants because of high pricing," adding that "talking about government support after the privatization of the electricity just put up a media while the reality is quite different." 
    Rahim stressed that " the high cost of electricity will reflect negatively on the citizens because it will raise the price of the product and thus its inability to compete with the imported product." 
    In turn , said the economist just peace (range) that " the aim of the privatization of the power supply is to provide electricity around the clock and thus will reflect positively on the citizen," adding that " the aim of the privatization to obtain the collection since 2003 and so far $ 2.5 billion . " . 
    He noted economist that " the privatization of electricity is considered a good solution to end the waste, but that it needs to take into account the conditions of the people especially the poor , " calling on the Ministry of Electricity to "review the pricing for the industrial sector because they can damage it and will not serve."

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